Calendrier et résultats 2022 WCQ — AFC (h)
Tour | Sem. | Jour | Date | Heure | Domicile | Score | Extérieur | Affluence | Tribune | Arbitre | Rapport de match | Notes |
Premier tour | Jeu | 2019-06-06 | 17:00 | Mongolia mn | 2–0 | bn Brunei | 1,685 | Football Centre MFF | Banerjee Pranjal | Rapport de match | Étape 1 sur 2 | |
Premier tour | Jeu | 2019-06-06 | 18:00 | Bhoutan bt | 1–0 | gu Guam | 8,000 | Changlimithang National Stadium | Omar Mubarak Al Yaqoubi | Rapport de match | Étape 1 sur 2 | |
Premier tour | Jeu | 2019-06-06 | 18:30 | Laos la | 0–1 | bd Bangladesh | 4,572 | Lao National Stadium, KM16 | Ho Wai Sing | Rapport de match | Étape 1 sur 2 | |
Premier tour | Jeu | 2019-06-06 | 18:30 | Cambodge kh | 2–0 | pk Pakistan | 33,706 | Phnom Penh National Olympic Stadium | Shaun Evans | Rapport de match | Étape 1 sur 2 | |
Premier tour | Jeu | 2019-06-06 | 19:30 | R.A.S. chinoise de Macao mo | 1–0 | lk Sri Lanka | 901 | Zhuhai Sports Center Stadium | Kim Daeyong | Rapport de match | Étape 1 sur 2 | |
Premier tour | Ven | 2019-06-07 | 20:45 | Malaisie my | 7–1 | tl Timor oriental | 4,244 | Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil | Sherzod Qosimov | Rapport de match | Étape 1 sur 2 | |
Premier tour | Mar | 2019-06-11 | 15:15 | Guam gu | 5–0 | bt Bhoutan | 1,029 | Guam National Football Stadium | Yu Ming-hsun | Rapport de match | Étape 2 sur 2; Guam a gagné | |
Premier tour | Mar | 2019-06-11 | 15:30 | Sri Lanka lk | 3–0 | mo R.A.S. chinoise de Macao | Colombo Racecourse Stadium | Çarymurat Kurbanow | Rapport de match | Étape 2 sur 2; R.A.S. chinoise de Macao a gagné; Match accordé à Sri Lanka | ||
Premier tour | Mar | 2019-06-11 | 19:00 | Pakistan pk | 1–2 | kh Cambodge | 300 | Hamad bin Khalifa Stadium | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | Étape 2 sur 2; Cambodge a gagné | |
Premier tour | Mar | 2019-06-11 | 19:00 | Bangladesh bd | 0–0 | la Laos | 7,453 | Bangabandhu National Stadium | Timur Fayzullin | Rapport de match | Étape 2 sur 2; Bangladesh a gagné | |
Premier tour | Mar | 2019-06-11 | 20:15 | Brunei bn | 2–1 | mn Mongolia | 17,210 | Stadium Negara Hassanal Bolkiah | Ahmad Ibrahim | Rapport de match | Étape 2 sur 2; Mongolia a gagné | |
Premier tour | Mar | 2019-06-11 | 20:45 | Timor oriental tl | 1–5 | my Malaisie | 12,776 | Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil | Yusuke Araki | Rapport de match | Étape 2 sur 2; Malaisie a gagné | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 15:30 | Guam gu | 0–1 | mv Maldives | 714 | Guam National Football Stadium | Yaqoub Yousef Al Hammadi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 17:00 | Mongolia mn | 1–0 | mm Myanmar | 3,221 | Football Centre MFF | Rowan Arumughan | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 17:00 | Territoire palestinien ps | 2–0 | uz Ouzbékistan | 6,740 | Faisal Al-Husseini International Stadium | Fu Ming | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 17:30 | Corée du Nord kp | 2–0 | lb Liban | 40,000 | Kim Il Sung Stadium | Sherzod Kasimov | Rapport de match | Match annulé |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 18:30 | Cambodge kh | 1–1 | hk R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong | 45,500 | Phnom Penh National Olympic Stadium | Il'giz Tantashev | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:00 | Tadjikistan tj | 1–0 | kg Kirghizistan | 17,800 | Centralʹnyj Respublikanskij Stadion | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:00 | Thaïlande th | 0–0 | vn Viêt Nam | 19,011 | Thammasat Stadium | Saoud Ali Al Adba | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:10 | Taïwan tw | 1–2 | jo Jordanie | 5,520 | Taipei Municipal Stadium | Yusuke Araki | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:30 | Indonésie id | 2–3 | my Malaisie | 54,659 | Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:30 | Qatar qa | 6–0 | af Afghanistan | 10,950 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Aziz Asimov | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:30 | Bahreïn bh | 1–1 | iq Irak | 6,049 | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Omar Mubarak Al Yaqoubi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:30 | Philippines ph | 2–5 | sy Syrie | 2,645 | Panaad Stadium | Jumpei Iida | Rapport de match | |
Tour | Sem. | Jour | Date | Heure | Domicile | Score | Extérieur | Affluence | Tribune | Arbitre | Rapport de match | Notes |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:30 | Sri Lanka lk | 0–2 | tm Turkménistan | 1,120 | Colombo Racecourse Stadium | Mohammed Al Hoish | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:30 | Inde in | 1–2 | om Oman | 22,798 | Indira Gandhi Athletic Stadium | Mooud Bonyadifard | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:45 | Singapour sg | 2–2 | ye Yemen | 7,018 | National Stadium | Shaun Evans | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 20:00 | Koweït kw | 7–0 | np Népal | 7,500 | Al Kuwait Sports Club Stadium | Kim Daeyong | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 15:30 | Guam gu | 1–4 | ph Philippines | 1,083 | Guam National Football Stadium | Kim Woosung | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 17:00 | Mongolia mn | 0–1 | tj Tadjikistan | 3,455 | Football Centre MFF | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 18:30 | Cambodge kh | 0–1 | bh Bahreïn | 45,000 | Phnom Penh National Olympic Stadium | Nivon Robesh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 18:30 | Koweït kw | 0–3 | au Australie | 11,852 | Al Kuwait Sports Club Stadium | Taqi Aljaafari Jahari | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 18:50 | Myanmar mm | 0–2 | jp Japon | 25,500 | Thuwanna YTC Stadium | Ahmad Ibrahim | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:00 | Turkménistan tm | 0–2 | kr Corée du Sud | 26,000 | Aşgabat Şäheriniň Köpetdag Stadiony | Ammar Ali Al Junaibi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:00 | Afghanistan af | 1–0 | bd Bangladesh | 5,000 | Centralʹnyj Respublikanskij Stadion | Zhang Lei | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:00 | Yemen ye | 2–2 | sa Arabie saoudite | 3,100 | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Sivakorn Pu-udom | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:10 | Taïwan tw | 0–2 | np Népal | 4,780 | Taipei Municipal Stadium | Yaqoob Said Abdul Baqi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:30 | Qatar qa | 0–0 | in Inde | 12,020 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Nazmi Nasaruddin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:30 | Indonésie id | 0–3 | th Thaïlande | 11,619 | Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:30 | Sri Lanka lk | 0–1 | kp Corée du Nord | 1,258 | Colombo Racecourse Stadium | Timur Fayzullin | Rapport de match | Match annulé |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:45 | Singapour sg | 2–1 | ps Territoire palestinien | 6,011 | Jalan Besar Stadium | Yu Ming-hsun | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 20:00 | R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong hk | 0–2 | ir Iran | 13,942 | Hong Kong Stadium | Yudai Yamamoto | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 20:00 | Maldives mv | 0–5 | cn Chine | 3,700 | Galolhu Rasmee Dhandu Stadium | Turki Al Khudayr | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 20:45 | Malaisie my | 1–2 | ae UAE | 43,200 | Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil | Hiroyuki Kimura | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 17:00 | Ouzbékistan uz | 5–0 | ye Yemen | 28,571 | Paxtakor Markaziy Stadioni | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 17:00 | Iran ir | 14–0 | kh Cambodge | 15,823 | Azadi Stadium | Banerjee Pranjal | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 18:00 | Syrie sy | 2–1 | mv Maldives | 5,500 | Al Rashid Stadium | Nazmi Nasaruddin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 19:00 | Irak iq | 2–0 | hk R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong | 32,340 | Basra Sports City Stadium | Ammar Ali Al Junaibi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 19:00 | Jordanie jo | 0–0 | kw Koweït | 10,720 | Amman International Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 19:00 | Bangladesh bd | 0–2 | qa Qatar | 24,570 | Bangabandhu National Stadium | Bijan Heidari | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 19:00 | Oman om | 3–0 | af Afghanistan | 10,000 | Al-Seeb Stadium | Ahmed Al Ali | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 19:00 | Liban lb | 2–1 | tm Turkménistan | 7,820 | Camille Chamoun Sports City Stadium | Takuto Okabe | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 19:35 | Japon jp | 6–0 | mn Mongolia | 43,122 | Saitama Stadium 2002 | Chae Sanghyeop | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:00 | Australie au | 5–0 | np Népal | 18,563 | GIO Stadium Canberra | Thoriq Munir Alkatiri | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:00 | Chine cn | 7–0 | gu Guam | 39,987 | Tianhe Stadium | Ali Reda | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:00 | UAE ae | 5–0 | id Indonésie | 6,678 | Al Maktoum Stadium | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 8–0 | lk Sri Lanka | 23,225 | Hwaseong Stadium | Hasan Akrami | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 3–0 | sg Singapour | 14,560 | Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Stadium | Kim Heegon | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 1–0 | my Malaisie | 38,256 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Mooud Bonyadifard | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:30 | Kirghizistan kg | 7–0 | mm Myanmar | 13,000 | Stadion imeni Dolena Omurzakova | Omar Mohamed Al Ali | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 16:00 | Territoire palestinien ps | 0–0 | sa Arabie saoudite | 12,000 | Faisal Al-Husseini International Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 16:00 | Mongolia mn | 1–2 | kg Kirghizistan | 2,182 | Football Centre MFF | Hussein Abo Yehia | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 17:15 | Tadjikistan tj | 0–3 | jp Japon | 19,100 | Centralʹnyj Respublikanskij Stadion | Zaid Thamer Mohammed | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 17:30 | Corée du Nord kp | kr Corée du Sud | 100 | Kim Il Sung Stadium | Abdelrahman Al Jassim | Rapport de match | Match annulé | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 18:00 | Syrie sy | 4–0 | gu Guam | 2,050 | Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Dmitriy Maşentsev | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 18:30 | Indonésie id | 1–3 | vn Viêt Nam | 8,237 | Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno | Turki Al Khudayr | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 18:30 | Cambodge kh | 0–4 | iq Irak | 48,258 | Phnom Penh National Olympic Stadium | Clifford Daypuyat | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:00 | Jordanie jo | 3–0 | np Népal | 4,863 | Amman International Stadium | Gulmurodi Sadullo | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:00 | Thaïlande th | 2–1 | ae UAE | 16,057 | Thammasat Stadium | Crishantha Dilan Perera | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:30 | Inde in | 1–1 | bd Bangladesh | 53,286 | Vivekananda Yuba Bharati Krirangan Stadi... | Masoud Tufaylieh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:30 | Sri Lanka lk | 0–3 | lb Liban | 1,052 | Colombo Racecourse Stadium | Ammar Ebrahim Mahfoodh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:30 | Bahreïn bh | 1–0 | ir Iran | 14,810 | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Valentin Kovalenko | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:30 | Qatar qa | 2–1 | om Oman | 26,731 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Fu Ming | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:40 | Taïwan tw | 1–7 | au Australie | 3,251 | Kaohsiung National Stadium | Mongkolchai Pechsri | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:45 | Singapour sg | 1–3 | uz Ouzbékistan | 12,547 | National Stadium | Shen Yinhao | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 20:00 | Philippines ph | 0–0 | cn Chine | 2,982 | Panaad Stadium | Aziz Asimov | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 15:00 | Liban lb | 0–0 | kr Corée du Sud | 170 | Camille Chamoun Sports City Stadium | Mohanad Qasim Sarray | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 16:00 | Turkménistan tm | 3–1 | kp Corée du Nord | 26,500 | Aşgabat Şäheriniň Köpetdag Stadiony | Sivakorn Pu-udom | Rapport de match | Match annulé |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 16:00 | Maldives mv | 1–2 | ph Philippines | 2,700 | Galolhu Rasmee Dhandu Stadium | Ahmed Al Ali | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 16:00 | Irak iq | 2–1 | ir Iran | 13,752 | Amman International Stadium | Crishantha Dilan Perera | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 17:00 | Ouzbékistan uz | 2–3 | sa Arabie saoudite | 31,524 | Paxtakor Markaziy Stadioni | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 17:00 | Myanmar mm | 4–3 | tj Tadjikistan | 7,365 | Mandalar Thiri Stadium | Masoud Tufaylieh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 17:20 | Kirghizistan kg | 0–2 | jp Japon | 17,543 | Stadion imeni Dolena Omurzakova | Mohammed Al Hoish | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 18:00 | Jordanie jo | 0–1 | au Australie | 9,712 | King Abdullah International Stadium | Fu Ming | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 18:00 | Syrie sy | 2–1 | cn Chine | 6,950 | Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum Stadium | Kim Daeyong | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 18:00 | Yemen ye | 1–0 | ps Territoire palestinien | 530 | Sheikh Ali bin Mohammed Stadium | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 19:00 | Afghanistan af | 1–1 | in Inde | 8,100 | Centralʹnyj Respublikanskij Stadion | Yu Ming-hsun | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 19:00 | Koweït kw | 9–0 | tw Taïwan | 8,400 | Al Kuwait Sports Club Stadium | Amirul Izwan Yaacob | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 19:00 | Oman om | 4–1 | bd Bangladesh | 24,000 | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 20:00 | R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong hk | 0–0 | bh Bahreïn | 4,541 | Hong Kong Stadium | Kim Dongjin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 20:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 1–0 | ae UAE | 37,879 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Jumpei Iida | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 20:45 | Malaisie my | 2–1 | th Thaïlande | 39,363 | Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil | Ali Sabah Adday Al Qaysi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 15:00 | Népal np | 0–1 | kw Koweït | 2,000 | Changlimithang National Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Omar Mubarak Al Yaqoubi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 16:00 | Irak iq | 0–0 | bh Bahreïn | 10,366 | Amman International Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Taqi Aljaafari Jahari | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 16:00 | Maldives mv | 3–1 | gu Guam | 2,612 | Galolhu Rasmee Dhandu Stadium | Hussein Abo Yehia | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 16:00 | Turkménistan tm | 2–0 | lk Sri Lanka | 26,304 | Aşgabat Şäheriniň Köpetdag Stadiony | Saoud Ali Al Adba | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 17:00 | Ouzbékistan uz | 2–0 | ps Territoire palestinien | 19,143 | Paxtakor Markaziy Stadioni | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 17:00 | Myanmar mm | 1–0 | mn Mongolia | 17,468 | Mandalar Thiri Stadium | Nazmi Nasaruddin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 18:00 | Yemen ye | 1–2 | sg Singapour | 650 | Sheikh Ali bin Mohammed Stadium | Minoru Tōjō | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 18:00 | Syrie sy | 1–0 | ph Philippines | 2,445 | Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Rowan Arumughan | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 18:00 | Jordanie jo | 5–0 | tw Taïwan | 2,260 | King Abdullah International Stadium | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 19:00 | Afghanistan af | 0–1 | qa Qatar | 6,000 | Centralʹnyj Respublikanskij Stadion (Terrain neutre) | Timur Fayzullin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 19:00 | Liban lb | kp Corée du Nord | Camille Chamoun Sports City Stadium | Yaqoob Said Abdul Baqi | Rapport de match | Match annulé | ||
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 19:00 | Oman om | 1–0 | in Inde | 24,250 | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Nivon Robesh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 20:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 0–0 | th Thaïlande | 40,000 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 20:00 | Kirghizistan kg | 1–1 | tj Tadjikistan | 15,873 | Stadion imeni Dolena Omurzakova | Abdelrahman Al Jassim | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 20:00 | R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong hk | 2–0 | kh Cambodge | 6,497 | Hong Kong Stadium | Ali Shaban | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 20:45 | Malaisie my | 2–0 | id Indonésie | 75,044 | Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil | Alireza Faghani | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2020-12-04 | 19:00 | Qatar qa | 5–0 | bd Bangladesh | 1,044 | Abdullah bin Khalifa Stadium | Amirul Izwan Yaacob | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-03-25 | 18:00 | Tadjikistan tj | 3–0 | mn Mongolia | 9,300 | Centralʹnyj Respublikanskij Stadion | Ali Sabah Adday Al Qaysi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Mar | 2021-03-30 | 19:30 | Mongolia mn | 0–14 | jp Japon | Fukuda Denshi Arena | Omar Mohamed Al Ali | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Mar | 2021-03-30 | 20:30 | Arabie saoudite sa | 5–0 | ps Territoire palestinien | Mrsool Park | Mohanad Qasim Sarray | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Ven | 2021-05-28 | 19:20 | Japon jp | 10–0 | mm Myanmar | Fukuda Denshi Arena | Hasan Akrami | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Dim | 2021-05-30 | 21:30 | Guam gu | 0–7 | cn Chine | 29,222 | Xuzhou Olympic Sports Centre Stadium | Sivakorn Pu-udom | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 15:00 | Corée du Nord kp | lk Sri Lanka | Goyang Stadium | Rapport de match | Match annulé | |||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 17:00 | Bangladesh bd | 1–1 | af Afghanistan | 300 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Mooud Bonyadifard | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 19:00 | Népal np | 2–0 | tw Taïwan | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Kim Woosung | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 19:00 | Iran ir | 3–1 | hk R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong | Sheikh Ali bin Mohammed Stadium | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 19:30 | Bahreïn bh | 8–0 | kh Cambodge | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Hiroyuki Kimura | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 20:00 | Inde in | 0–1 | qa Qatar | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 20:45 | UAE ae | 4–0 | my Malaisie | 1,127 | Zabeel Stadium | Kim Daeyong | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 20:45 | Thaïlande th | 2–2 | id Indonésie | Al Maktoum Stadium | Ammar Ebrahim Mahfoodh | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 21:00 | Territoire palestinien ps | 4–0 | sg Singapour | King Fahd International Stadium | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 22:00 | Australie au | 3–0 | kw Koweït | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Jumpei Iida | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-04 | 20:00 | Maldives mv | 0–4 | sy Syrie | Sharjah Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Ammar Ali Al Jneibi | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Sam | 2021-06-05 | 15:00 | Liban lb | 3–2 | lk Sri Lanka | 73 | Goyang Stadium | Ahmad Ibrahim | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Sam | 2021-06-05 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 5–0 | tm Turkménistan | 3,932 | Goyang Stadium | Turki Mohammed Al Khudayr | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Sam | 2021-06-05 | 21:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 3–0 | ye Yemen | 4,382 | Mrsool Park | Nivon Robesh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 16:00 | Kirghizistan kg | 0–1 | mn Mongolia | Yanmar Stadium Nagai | Yu Ming-hsun | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 17:00 | Bangladesh bd | 0–2 | in Inde | 495 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Zaid Thamer Mohammed | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 17:30 | Irak iq | 4–1 | kh Cambodge | Sheikh Ali bin Mohammed Stadium | Yaqoob Said Abdul Baqi | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 18:00 | Guam gu | 0–3 | sy Syrie | Sharjah Stadium | Khalid Saleh Al Turais | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 19:00 | Népal np | 0–3 | jo Jordanie | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Amirul Izwan Yaacob | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 19:30 | Japon jp | 4–1 | tj Tadjikistan | Panasonic Stadium Suita | Abdelrahman Al Jassim | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | kp Corée du Nord | Goyang Stadium | Rapport de match | Match annulé | |||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 20:10 | Oman om | 0–1 | qa Qatar | 1,559 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Crishantha Dilan Perera | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 20:45 | Viêt Nam vn | 4–0 | id Indonésie | 225 | Al Maktoum Stadium | Ahmad Al Ali | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 20:45 | UAE ae | 3–1 | th Thaïlande | 980 | Zabeel Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 21:00 | Iran ir | 3–0 | bh Bahreïn | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Fu Ming | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 21:00 | Chine cn | 2–0 | ph Philippines | Sharjah Stadium | Kim Heegon | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 21:00 | Ouzbékistan uz | 5–0 | sg Singapour | 75 | King Fahd International Stadium | Ali Al Samaheeji | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 22:00 | Australie au | 5–1 | tw Taïwan | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Saoud Ali Al Adba | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Mer | 2021-06-09 | 15:00 | Turkménistan tm | 3–2 | lb Liban | 52 | Goyang Stadium | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Mer | 2021-06-09 | 20:00 | Sri Lanka lk | 0–5 | kr Corée du Sud | 4,008 | Goyang Stadium | Shen Yinhao | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 16:00 | Myanmar mm | 1–8 | kg Kirghizistan | Yanmar Stadium Nagai | Hussein Abo Yehia | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 17:30 | Cambodge kh | 0–10 | ir Iran | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Kim Jonghyeok | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 18:00 | Philippines ph | 3–0 | gu Guam | Sharjah Stadium | Ammar Ali Al Jneibi | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 19:00 | Népal np | 0–3 | au Australie | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 19:30 | R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong hk | 0–1 | iq Irak | Sheikh Ali bin Mohammed Stadium | Hiroyuki Kimura | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 20:10 | Afghanistan af | 1–2 | om Oman | 183 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 20:45 | Indonésie id | 0–5 | ae UAE | 963 | Zabeel Stadium | Mohammed Khaled Al Hoish | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 20:45 | Malaisie my | 1–2 | vn Viêt Nam | 335 | Al Maktoum Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 21:00 | Chine cn | 5–0 | mv Maldives | Sharjah Stadium | Ahmed Al Ali | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 21:00 | Singapour sg | 0–3 | sa Arabie saoudite | 4,879 | Mrsool Park | Mohanad Qasim Sarray | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 21:00 | Yemen ye | 0–1 | uz Ouzbékistan | 230 | King Fahd International Stadium | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 22:00 | Koweït kw | 0–0 | jo Jordanie | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Dim | 2021-06-13 | 15:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 2–1 | lb Liban | 4,061 | Goyang Stadium | Khamis Al Marri | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 15:00 | Corée du Nord kp | tm Turkménistan | Goyang Stadium | Rapport de match | Match annulé | |||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 17:00 | Inde in | 1–1 | af Afghanistan | 603 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Ali Reda | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 19:00 | Philippines ph | 1–1 | mv Maldives | Sharjah Stadium | Kim Heegon | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 19:00 | Australie au | 1–0 | jo Jordanie | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Kim Woosung | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 19:25 | Japon jp | 5–1 | kg Kirghizistan | Panasonic Stadium Suita | Omar Mubarak Al Yaqoubi | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 19:25 | Tadjikistan tj | 4–0 | mm Myanmar | Yanmar Stadium Nagai | Omar Mohamed Al Ali | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 19:30 | Bahreïn bh | 4–0 | hk R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Yaqoob Said Abdul Baqi | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 20:10 | Bangladesh bd | 0–3 | om Oman | 885 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Ali Shaban | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 20:45 | Thaïlande th | 0–1 | my Malaisie | 142 | Al Maktoum Stadium | Mohammed Khaled Al Hoish | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 20:45 | UAE ae | 3–2 | vn Viêt Nam | 1,355 | Zabeel Stadium | Ali Sabah Adday Al Qaysi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 21:00 | Iran ir | 1–0 | iq Irak | Sheikh Ali bin Mohammed Stadium | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 21:00 | Territoire palestinien ps | 3–0 | ye Yemen | 430 | King Fahd International Stadium | Masoud Tufaylieh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 21:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 3–0 | uz Ouzbékistan | 6,339 | Mrsool Park | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 22:00 | Chine cn | 3–1 | sy Syrie | Sharjah Stadium | Taqi Aljaafari Jahari | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 22:00 | Taïwan tw | 1–2 | kw Koweït | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 1 | Jeu | 2021-09-02 | 19:14 | Japon jp | 0–1 | om Oman | 4,853 | Panasonic Stadium Suita | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 1 | Jeu | 2021-09-02 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 0–0 | iq Irak | Seoul World Cup Stadium | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 1 | Jeu | 2021-09-02 | 20:30 | Iran ir | 1–0 | sy Syrie | Azadi Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 1 | Jeu | 2021-09-02 | 20:45 | UAE ae | 0–0 | lb Liban | 1,513 | Zabeel Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 1 | Jeu | 2021-09-02 | 21:00 | Australie au | 3–0 | cn Chine | Khalifa International Stadium | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 1 | Jeu | 2021-09-02 | 21:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 3–1 | vn Viêt Nam | 8,331 | Mrsool Park | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 2 | Mar | 2021-09-07 | 18:00 | Chine cn | 0–1 | jp Japon | Khalifa International Stadium | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 2 | Mar | 2021-09-07 | 19:00 | Syrie sy | 1–1 | ae UAE | 2,370 | King Abdullah International Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 2 | Mar | 2021-09-07 | 19:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 0–1 | au Australie | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Abdelrahman Al Jassim | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 2 | Mar | 2021-09-07 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 1–0 | lb Liban | Suwon World Cup Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 2 | Mar | 2021-09-07 | 20:00 | Oman om | 0–1 | sa Arabie saoudite | 8,150 | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 2 | Mar | 2021-09-07 | 21:00 | Irak iq | 0–3 | ir Iran | Khalifa International Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 3 | Jeu | 2021-10-07 | 17:30 | Irak iq | 0–0 | lb Liban | Khalifa International Stadium | Turki Mohammed Al Khudayr | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 3 | Jeu | 2021-10-07 | 20:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 1–0 | jp Japon | 51,218 | King Abdullah Sports City | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 3 | Jeu | 2021-10-07 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 2–1 | sy Syrie | Ansan Wa~ Stadium | Abdulrahman Ibrahim Al Jassim | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 3 | Jeu | 2021-10-07 | 20:45 | UAE ae | 0–1 | ir Iran | 3,034 | Zabeel Stadium | Chris Beath | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 3 | Jeu | 2021-10-07 | 21:00 | Chine cn | 3–2 | vn Viêt Nam | Sharjah Stadium | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 3 | Jeu | 2021-10-07 | 21:30 | Australie au | 3–1 | om Oman | Khalifa International Stadium | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 4 | Mar | 2021-10-12 | 17:00 | Iran ir | 1–1 | kr Corée du Sud | Azadi Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 4 | Mar | 2021-10-12 | 19:00 | Syrie sy | 2–3 | lb Liban | 2,377 | King Abdullah International Stadium | Chris Beath | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 4 | Mar | 2021-10-12 | 19:14 | Japon jp | 2–1 | au Australie | 14,437 | Saitama Stadium 2002 | Abdulrahman Ibrahim Al Jassim | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 4 | Mar | 2021-10-12 | 20:00 | Oman om | 3–1 | vn Viêt Nam | 9,123 | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 4 | Mar | 2021-10-12 | 20:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 3–2 | cn Chine | 54,124 | King Abdullah Sports City | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 4 | Mar | 2021-10-12 | 20:45 | UAE ae | 2–2 | iq Irak | 2,820 | Zabeel Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 5 | Jeu | 2021-11-11 | 14:00 | Liban lb | 1–2 | ir Iran | Saida International Stadium | Abdulrahman Ibrahim Al Jassim | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 5 | Jeu | 2021-11-11 | 19:00 | Chine cn | 1–1 | om Oman | 1,700 | Sharjah Stadium | Sivakorn Pu-udom | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 5 | Jeu | 2021-11-11 | 19:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 0–1 | jp Japon | 11,022 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 5 | Jeu | 2021-11-11 | 20:00 | Irak iq | 1–1 | sy Syrie | 50 | Thani bin Jassim Stadium | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 5 | Jeu | 2021-11-11 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 1–0 | ae UAE | 30,152 | Goyang Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 5 | Jeu | 2021-11-11 | 20:10 | Australie au | 0–0 | sa Arabie saoudite | 23,314 | CommBank Stadium | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 6 | Mar | 2021-11-16 | 14:00 | Liban lb | 0–1 | ae UAE | Saida International Stadium | Shaun Evans | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 6 | Mar | 2021-11-16 | 18:00 | Syrie sy | 0–3 | ir Iran | 907 | King Abdullah International Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 6 | Mar | 2021-11-16 | 18:00 | Irak iq | 0–3 | kr Corée du Sud | Thani bin Jassim Stadium | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 6 | Mar | 2021-11-16 | 19:00 | Chine cn | 1–1 | au Australie | 1,050 | Sharjah Stadium | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 6 | Mar | 2021-11-16 | 19:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 0–1 | sa Arabie saoudite | 9,669 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 6 | Mar | 2021-11-16 | 20:00 | Oman om | 0–1 | jp Japon | 14,123 | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 7 | Jeu | 2022-01-27 | 14:00 | Liban lb | 0–1 | kr Corée du Sud | 5,400 | Saida International Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 7 | Jeu | 2022-01-27 | 18:00 | Iran ir | 1–0 | iq Irak | 9,354 | Azadi Stadium | Chris Beath | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 7 | Jeu | 2022-01-27 | 19:00 | UAE ae | 2–0 | sy Syrie | 2,450 | Al Maktoum Stadium | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 7 | Jeu | 2022-01-27 | 19:00 | Japon jp | 2–0 | cn Chine | 11,753 | Saitama Stadium 2002 | Abdulrahman Ibrahim Al Jassim | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 7 | Jeu | 2022-01-27 | 20:10 | Australie au | 4–0 | vn Viêt Nam | 27,740 | AAMI Park | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 7 | Jeu | 2022-01-27 | 20:15 | Arabie saoudite sa | 1–0 | om Oman | 47,364 | King Abdullah Sports City | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 8 | Mar | 2022-02-01 | 14:00 | Liban lb | 1–1 | iq Irak | 6,341 | Saida International Stadium | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 8 | Mar | 2022-02-01 | 18:00 | Syrie sy | 0–2 | kr Corée du Sud | 310 | Al Rashid Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Hiroyuki Kimura | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 8 | Mar | 2022-02-01 | 18:00 | Iran ir | 1–0 | ae UAE | Azadi Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 8 | Mar | 2022-02-01 | 19:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 3–1 | cn Chine | 6,099 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 8 | Mar | 2022-02-01 | 19:14 | Japon jp | 2–0 | sa Arabie saoudite | 19,118 | Saitama Stadium 2002 | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 8 | Mar | 2022-02-01 | 20:00 | Oman om | 2–2 | au Australie | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | ||
Troisième tour | 9 | Jeu | 2022-03-24 | 14:00 | Liban lb | 0–3 | sy Syrie | 5,422 | Saida International Stadium | Abdulrahman Ibrahim Al Jassim | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 9 | Jeu | 2022-03-24 | 19:00 | Chine cn | 1–1 | sa Arabie saoudite | 200 | Sharjah Stadium | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 9 | Jeu | 2022-03-24 | 19:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 0–1 | om Oman | 6,923 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 9 | Jeu | 2022-03-24 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 2–0 | ir Iran | 64,375 | Seoul World Cup Stadium | Chris Beath | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 9 | Jeu | 2022-03-24 | 20:00 | Irak iq | 1–0 | ae UAE | 1,320 | King Fahd International Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 9 | Jeu | 2022-03-24 | 20:10 | Australie au | 0–2 | jp Japon | 41,852 | ANZ Stadium | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 10 | Mar | 2022-03-29 | 16:00 | Iran ir | 2–0 | lb Liban | 22,453 | Imam Reza Stadium | Fu Ming | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 10 | Mar | 2022-03-29 | 17:45 | Syrie sy | 1–1 | iq Irak | 3,710 | Al Rashid Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 10 | Mar | 2022-03-29 | 17:45 | UAE ae | 1–0 | kr Corée du Sud | 4,223 | Al Maktoum Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 10 | Mar | 2022-03-29 | 19:35 | Japon jp | 1–1 | vn Viêt Nam | 44,600 | Saitama Stadium 2002 | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 10 | Mar | 2022-03-29 | 20:00 | Oman om | 2–0 | cn Chine | 2,500 | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
Troisième tour | 10 | Mar | 2022-03-29 | 21:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 1–0 | au Australie | 51,433 | King Abdullah Sports City | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
Quatrième tour | Mar | 2022-06-07 | 21:00 | UAE ae | 1–2 | au Australie | 6,500 | Ahmed bin Ali Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match |
Jour | Date | Heure | Domicile | Score | Extérieur | Affluence | Tribune | Arbitre | Rapport de match | Notes |
Jeu | 2019-06-06 | 17:00 | Mongolia mn | 2–0 | bn Brunei | 1,685 | Football Centre MFF | Banerjee Pranjal | Rapport de match | Étape 1 sur 2 |
Jeu | 2019-06-06 | 18:00 | Bhoutan bt | 1–0 | gu Guam | 8,000 | Changlimithang National Stadium | Omar Mubarak Al Yaqoubi | Rapport de match | Étape 1 sur 2 |
Jeu | 2019-06-06 | 18:30 | Laos la | 0–1 | bd Bangladesh | 4,572 | Lao National Stadium, KM16 | Ho Wai Sing | Rapport de match | Étape 1 sur 2 |
Jeu | 2019-06-06 | 18:30 | Cambodge kh | 2–0 | pk Pakistan | 33,706 | Phnom Penh National Olympic Stadium | Shaun Evans | Rapport de match | Étape 1 sur 2 |
Jeu | 2019-06-06 | 19:30 | R.A.S. chinoise de Macao mo | 1–0 | lk Sri Lanka | 901 | Zhuhai Sports Center Stadium | Kim Daeyong | Rapport de match | Étape 1 sur 2 |
Ven | 2019-06-07 | 20:45 | Malaisie my | 7–1 | tl Timor oriental | 4,244 | Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil | Sherzod Qosimov | Rapport de match | Étape 1 sur 2 |
Mar | 2019-06-11 | 15:15 | Guam gu | 5–0 | bt Bhoutan | 1,029 | Guam National Football Stadium | Yu Ming-hsun | Rapport de match | Étape 2 sur 2; Guam a gagné |
Mar | 2019-06-11 | 15:30 | Sri Lanka lk | 3–0 | mo R.A.S. chinoise de Macao | Colombo Racecourse Stadium | Çarymurat Kurbanow | Rapport de match | Étape 2 sur 2; R.A.S. chinoise de Macao a gagné; Match accordé à Sri Lanka | |
Mar | 2019-06-11 | 19:00 | Pakistan pk | 1–2 | kh Cambodge | 300 | Hamad bin Khalifa Stadium | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | Étape 2 sur 2; Cambodge a gagné |
Mar | 2019-06-11 | 19:00 | Bangladesh bd | 0–0 | la Laos | 7,453 | Bangabandhu National Stadium | Timur Fayzullin | Rapport de match | Étape 2 sur 2; Bangladesh a gagné |
Mar | 2019-06-11 | 20:15 | Brunei bn | 2–1 | mn Mongolia | 17,210 | Stadium Negara Hassanal Bolkiah | Ahmad Ibrahim | Rapport de match | Étape 2 sur 2; Mongolia a gagné |
Mar | 2019-06-11 | 20:45 | Timor oriental tl | 1–5 | my Malaisie | 12,776 | Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil | Yusuke Araki | Rapport de match | Étape 2 sur 2; Malaisie a gagné |
Tour | Sem. | Jour | Date | Heure | Domicile | Score | Extérieur | Affluence | Tribune | Arbitre | Rapport de match | Notes |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 15:30 | Guam gu | 0–1 | mv Maldives | 714 | Guam National Football Stadium | Yaqoub Yousef Al Hammadi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 17:00 | Territoire palestinien ps | 2–0 | uz Ouzbékistan | 6,740 | Faisal Al-Husseini International Stadium | Fu Ming | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 17:00 | Mongolia mn | 1–0 | mm Myanmar | 3,221 | Football Centre MFF | Rowan Arumughan | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 17:30 | Corée du Nord kp | 2–0 | lb Liban | 40,000 | Kim Il Sung Stadium | Sherzod Kasimov | Rapport de match | Match annulé |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 18:30 | Cambodge kh | 1–1 | hk R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong | 45,500 | Phnom Penh National Olympic Stadium | Il'giz Tantashev | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:00 | Tadjikistan tj | 1–0 | kg Kirghizistan | 17,800 | Centralʹnyj Respublikanskij Stadion | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:00 | Thaïlande th | 0–0 | vn Viêt Nam | 19,011 | Thammasat Stadium | Saoud Ali Al Adba | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:10 | Taïwan tw | 1–2 | jo Jordanie | 5,520 | Taipei Municipal Stadium | Yusuke Araki | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:30 | Philippines ph | 2–5 | sy Syrie | 2,645 | Panaad Stadium | Jumpei Iida | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:30 | Bahreïn bh | 1–1 | iq Irak | 6,049 | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Omar Mubarak Al Yaqoubi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:30 | Indonésie id | 2–3 | my Malaisie | 54,659 | Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:30 | Qatar qa | 6–0 | af Afghanistan | 10,950 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Aziz Asimov | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:30 | Sri Lanka lk | 0–2 | tm Turkménistan | 1,120 | Colombo Racecourse Stadium | Mohammed Al Hoish | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:30 | Inde in | 1–2 | om Oman | 22,798 | Indira Gandhi Athletic Stadium | Mooud Bonyadifard | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 19:45 | Singapour sg | 2–2 | ye Yemen | 7,018 | National Stadium | Shaun Evans | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 1 | Jeu | 2019-09-05 | 20:00 | Koweït kw | 7–0 | np Népal | 7,500 | Al Kuwait Sports Club Stadium | Kim Daeyong | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 15:30 | Guam gu | 1–4 | ph Philippines | 1,083 | Guam National Football Stadium | Kim Woosung | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 17:00 | Mongolia mn | 0–1 | tj Tadjikistan | 3,455 | Football Centre MFF | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 18:30 | Koweït kw | 0–3 | au Australie | 11,852 | Al Kuwait Sports Club Stadium | Taqi Aljaafari Jahari | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 18:30 | Cambodge kh | 0–1 | bh Bahreïn | 45,000 | Phnom Penh National Olympic Stadium | Nivon Robesh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 18:50 | Myanmar mm | 0–2 | jp Japon | 25,500 | Thuwanna YTC Stadium | Ahmad Ibrahim | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:00 | Yemen ye | 2–2 | sa Arabie saoudite | 3,100 | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Sivakorn Pu-udom | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:00 | Afghanistan af | 1–0 | bd Bangladesh | 5,000 | Centralʹnyj Respublikanskij Stadion | Zhang Lei | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:00 | Turkménistan tm | 0–2 | kr Corée du Sud | 26,000 | Aşgabat Şäheriniň Köpetdag Stadiony | Ammar Ali Al Junaibi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:10 | Taïwan tw | 0–2 | np Népal | 4,780 | Taipei Municipal Stadium | Yaqoob Said Abdul Baqi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:30 | Indonésie id | 0–3 | th Thaïlande | 11,619 | Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:30 | Sri Lanka lk | 0–1 | kp Corée du Nord | 1,258 | Colombo Racecourse Stadium | Timur Fayzullin | Rapport de match | Match annulé |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:30 | Qatar qa | 0–0 | in Inde | 12,020 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Nazmi Nasaruddin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 19:45 | Singapour sg | 2–1 | ps Territoire palestinien | 6,011 | Jalan Besar Stadium | Yu Ming-hsun | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 20:00 | R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong hk | 0–2 | ir Iran | 13,942 | Hong Kong Stadium | Yudai Yamamoto | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 20:00 | Maldives mv | 0–5 | cn Chine | 3,700 | Galolhu Rasmee Dhandu Stadium | Turki Al Khudayr | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 2 | Mar | 2019-09-10 | 20:45 | Malaisie my | 1–2 | ae UAE | 43,200 | Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil | Hiroyuki Kimura | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 17:00 | Ouzbékistan uz | 5–0 | ye Yemen | 28,571 | Paxtakor Markaziy Stadioni | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 17:00 | Iran ir | 14–0 | kh Cambodge | 15,823 | Azadi Stadium | Banerjee Pranjal | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 18:00 | Syrie sy | 2–1 | mv Maldives | 5,500 | Al Rashid Stadium | Nazmi Nasaruddin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 19:00 | Oman om | 3–0 | af Afghanistan | 10,000 | Al-Seeb Stadium | Ahmed Al Ali | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 19:00 | Liban lb | 2–1 | tm Turkménistan | 7,820 | Camille Chamoun Sports City Stadium | Takuto Okabe | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 19:00 | Bangladesh bd | 0–2 | qa Qatar | 24,570 | Bangabandhu National Stadium | Bijan Heidari | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 19:00 | Irak iq | 2–0 | hk R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong | 32,340 | Basra Sports City Stadium | Ammar Ali Al Junaibi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 19:00 | Jordanie jo | 0–0 | kw Koweït | 10,720 | Amman International Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 19:35 | Japon jp | 6–0 | mn Mongolia | 43,122 | Saitama Stadium 2002 | Chae Sanghyeop | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:00 | Australie au | 5–0 | np Népal | 18,563 | GIO Stadium Canberra | Thoriq Munir Alkatiri | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:00 | UAE ae | 5–0 | id Indonésie | 6,678 | Al Maktoum Stadium | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 3–0 | sg Singapour | 14,560 | Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Stadium | Kim Heegon | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 1–0 | my Malaisie | 38,256 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Mooud Bonyadifard | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 8–0 | lk Sri Lanka | 23,225 | Hwaseong Stadium | Hasan Akrami | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:00 | Chine cn | 7–0 | gu Guam | 39,987 | Tianhe Stadium | Ali Reda | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 3 | Jeu | 2019-10-10 | 20:30 | Kirghizistan kg | 7–0 | mm Myanmar | 13,000 | Stadion imeni Dolena Omurzakova | Omar Mohamed Al Ali | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 16:00 | Territoire palestinien ps | 0–0 | sa Arabie saoudite | 12,000 | Faisal Al-Husseini International Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 16:00 | Mongolia mn | 1–2 | kg Kirghizistan | 2,182 | Football Centre MFF | Hussein Abo Yehia | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 17:15 | Tadjikistan tj | 0–3 | jp Japon | 19,100 | Centralʹnyj Respublikanskij Stadion | Zaid Thamer Mohammed | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 17:30 | Corée du Nord kp | kr Corée du Sud | 100 | Kim Il Sung Stadium | Abdelrahman Al Jassim | Rapport de match | Match annulé | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 18:00 | Syrie sy | 4–0 | gu Guam | 2,050 | Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Dmitriy Maşentsev | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 18:30 | Cambodge kh | 0–4 | iq Irak | 48,258 | Phnom Penh National Olympic Stadium | Clifford Daypuyat | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 18:30 | Indonésie id | 1–3 | vn Viêt Nam | 8,237 | Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno | Turki Al Khudayr | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:00 | Thaïlande th | 2–1 | ae UAE | 16,057 | Thammasat Stadium | Crishantha Dilan Perera | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:00 | Jordanie jo | 3–0 | np Népal | 4,863 | Amman International Stadium | Gulmurodi Sadullo | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:30 | Bahreïn bh | 1–0 | ir Iran | 14,810 | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Valentin Kovalenko | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:30 | Sri Lanka lk | 0–3 | lb Liban | 1,052 | Colombo Racecourse Stadium | Ammar Ebrahim Mahfoodh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:30 | Qatar qa | 2–1 | om Oman | 26,731 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Fu Ming | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:30 | Inde in | 1–1 | bd Bangladesh | 53,286 | Vivekananda Yuba Bharati Krirangan Stadi... | Masoud Tufaylieh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:40 | Taïwan tw | 1–7 | au Australie | 3,251 | Kaohsiung National Stadium | Mongkolchai Pechsri | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 19:45 | Singapour sg | 1–3 | uz Ouzbékistan | 12,547 | National Stadium | Shen Yinhao | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 4 | Mar | 2019-10-15 | 20:00 | Philippines ph | 0–0 | cn Chine | 2,982 | Panaad Stadium | Aziz Asimov | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 15:00 | Liban lb | 0–0 | kr Corée du Sud | 170 | Camille Chamoun Sports City Stadium | Mohanad Qasim Sarray | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 16:00 | Maldives mv | 1–2 | ph Philippines | 2,700 | Galolhu Rasmee Dhandu Stadium | Ahmed Al Ali | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 16:00 | Turkménistan tm | 3–1 | kp Corée du Nord | 26,500 | Aşgabat Şäheriniň Köpetdag Stadiony | Sivakorn Pu-udom | Rapport de match | Match annulé |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 16:00 | Irak iq | 2–1 | ir Iran | 13,752 | Amman International Stadium | Crishantha Dilan Perera | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 17:00 | Ouzbékistan uz | 2–3 | sa Arabie saoudite | 31,524 | Paxtakor Markaziy Stadioni | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 17:00 | Myanmar mm | 4–3 | tj Tadjikistan | 7,365 | Mandalar Thiri Stadium | Masoud Tufaylieh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 17:20 | Kirghizistan kg | 0–2 | jp Japon | 17,543 | Stadion imeni Dolena Omurzakova | Mohammed Al Hoish | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 18:00 | Jordanie jo | 0–1 | au Australie | 9,712 | King Abdullah International Stadium | Fu Ming | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 18:00 | Yemen ye | 1–0 | ps Territoire palestinien | 530 | Sheikh Ali bin Mohammed Stadium | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 18:00 | Syrie sy | 2–1 | cn Chine | 6,950 | Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum Stadium | Kim Daeyong | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 19:00 | Koweït kw | 9–0 | tw Taïwan | 8,400 | Al Kuwait Sports Club Stadium | Amirul Izwan Yaacob | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 19:00 | Afghanistan af | 1–1 | in Inde | 8,100 | Centralʹnyj Respublikanskij Stadion | Yu Ming-hsun | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 19:00 | Oman om | 4–1 | bd Bangladesh | 24,000 | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 20:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 1–0 | ae UAE | 37,879 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Jumpei Iida | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 20:00 | R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong hk | 0–0 | bh Bahreïn | 4,541 | Hong Kong Stadium | Kim Dongjin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 5 | Jeu | 2019-11-14 | 20:45 | Malaisie my | 2–1 | th Thaïlande | 39,363 | Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil | Ali Sabah Adday Al Qaysi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 15:00 | Népal np | 0–1 | kw Koweït | 2,000 | Changlimithang National Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Omar Mubarak Al Yaqoubi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 16:00 | Irak iq | 0–0 | bh Bahreïn | 10,366 | Amman International Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Taqi Aljaafari Jahari | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 16:00 | Turkménistan tm | 2–0 | lk Sri Lanka | 26,304 | Aşgabat Şäheriniň Köpetdag Stadiony | Saoud Ali Al Adba | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 16:00 | Maldives mv | 3–1 | gu Guam | 2,612 | Galolhu Rasmee Dhandu Stadium | Hussein Abo Yehia | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 17:00 | Ouzbékistan uz | 2–0 | ps Territoire palestinien | 19,143 | Paxtakor Markaziy Stadioni | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 17:00 | Myanmar mm | 1–0 | mn Mongolia | 17,468 | Mandalar Thiri Stadium | Nazmi Nasaruddin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 18:00 | Jordanie jo | 5–0 | tw Taïwan | 2,260 | King Abdullah International Stadium | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 18:00 | Syrie sy | 1–0 | ph Philippines | 2,445 | Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Rowan Arumughan | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 18:00 | Yemen ye | 1–2 | sg Singapour | 650 | Sheikh Ali bin Mohammed Stadium | Minoru Tōjō | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 19:00 | Oman om | 1–0 | in Inde | 24,250 | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Nivon Robesh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 19:00 | Liban lb | kp Corée du Nord | Camille Chamoun Sports City Stadium | Yaqoob Said Abdul Baqi | Rapport de match | Match annulé | ||
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 19:00 | Afghanistan af | 0–1 | qa Qatar | 6,000 | Centralʹnyj Respublikanskij Stadion (Terrain neutre) | Timur Fayzullin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 20:00 | R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong hk | 2–0 | kh Cambodge | 6,497 | Hong Kong Stadium | Ali Shaban | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 20:00 | Kirghizistan kg | 1–1 | tj Tadjikistan | 15,873 | Stadion imeni Dolena Omurzakova | Abdelrahman Al Jassim | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 20:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 0–0 | th Thaïlande | 40,000 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 6 | Mar | 2019-11-19 | 20:45 | Malaisie my | 2–0 | id Indonésie | 75,044 | Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil | Alireza Faghani | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2020-12-04 | 19:00 | Qatar qa | 5–0 | bd Bangladesh | 1,044 | Abdullah bin Khalifa Stadium | Amirul Izwan Yaacob | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-03-25 | 18:00 | Tadjikistan tj | 3–0 | mn Mongolia | 9,300 | Centralʹnyj Respublikanskij Stadion | Ali Sabah Adday Al Qaysi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Mar | 2021-03-30 | 19:30 | Mongolia mn | 0–14 | jp Japon | Fukuda Denshi Arena | Omar Mohamed Al Ali | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Mar | 2021-03-30 | 20:30 | Arabie saoudite sa | 5–0 | ps Territoire palestinien | Mrsool Park | Mohanad Qasim Sarray | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Ven | 2021-05-28 | 19:20 | Japon jp | 10–0 | mm Myanmar | Fukuda Denshi Arena | Hasan Akrami | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Dim | 2021-05-30 | 21:30 | Guam gu | 0–7 | cn Chine | 29,222 | Xuzhou Olympic Sports Centre Stadium | Sivakorn Pu-udom | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 15:00 | Corée du Nord kp | lk Sri Lanka | Goyang Stadium | Rapport de match | Match annulé | |||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 17:00 | Bangladesh bd | 1–1 | af Afghanistan | 300 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Mooud Bonyadifard | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 19:00 | Népal np | 2–0 | tw Taïwan | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Kim Woosung | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 19:00 | Iran ir | 3–1 | hk R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong | Sheikh Ali bin Mohammed Stadium | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 19:30 | Bahreïn bh | 8–0 | kh Cambodge | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Hiroyuki Kimura | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 20:00 | Inde in | 0–1 | qa Qatar | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 20:45 | Thaïlande th | 2–2 | id Indonésie | Al Maktoum Stadium | Ammar Ebrahim Mahfoodh | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 20:45 | UAE ae | 4–0 | my Malaisie | 1,127 | Zabeel Stadium | Kim Daeyong | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 21:00 | Territoire palestinien ps | 4–0 | sg Singapour | King Fahd International Stadium | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Jeu | 2021-06-03 | 22:00 | Australie au | 3–0 | kw Koweït | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Jumpei Iida | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-04 | 20:00 | Maldives mv | 0–4 | sy Syrie | Sharjah Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Ammar Ali Al Jneibi | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Sam | 2021-06-05 | 15:00 | Liban lb | 3–2 | lk Sri Lanka | 73 | Goyang Stadium | Ahmad Ibrahim | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Sam | 2021-06-05 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 5–0 | tm Turkménistan | 3,932 | Goyang Stadium | Turki Mohammed Al Khudayr | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Sam | 2021-06-05 | 21:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 3–0 | ye Yemen | 4,382 | Mrsool Park | Nivon Robesh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 16:00 | Kirghizistan kg | 0–1 | mn Mongolia | Yanmar Stadium Nagai | Yu Ming-hsun | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 17:00 | Bangladesh bd | 0–2 | in Inde | 495 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Zaid Thamer Mohammed | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 17:30 | Irak iq | 4–1 | kh Cambodge | Sheikh Ali bin Mohammed Stadium | Yaqoob Said Abdul Baqi | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 18:00 | Guam gu | 0–3 | sy Syrie | Sharjah Stadium | Khalid Saleh Al Turais | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 19:00 | Népal np | 0–3 | jo Jordanie | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Amirul Izwan Yaacob | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 19:30 | Japon jp | 4–1 | tj Tadjikistan | Panasonic Stadium Suita | Abdelrahman Al Jassim | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | kp Corée du Nord | Goyang Stadium | Rapport de match | Match annulé | |||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 20:10 | Oman om | 0–1 | qa Qatar | 1,559 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Crishantha Dilan Perera | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 20:45 | Viêt Nam vn | 4–0 | id Indonésie | 225 | Al Maktoum Stadium | Ahmad Al Ali | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 20:45 | UAE ae | 3–1 | th Thaïlande | 980 | Zabeel Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 21:00 | Chine cn | 2–0 | ph Philippines | Sharjah Stadium | Kim Heegon | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 21:00 | Ouzbékistan uz | 5–0 | sg Singapour | 75 | King Fahd International Stadium | Ali Al Samaheeji | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 21:00 | Iran ir | 3–0 | bh Bahreïn | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Fu Ming | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 9 | Lun | 2021-06-07 | 22:00 | Australie au | 5–1 | tw Taïwan | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Saoud Ali Al Adba | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Mer | 2021-06-09 | 15:00 | Turkménistan tm | 3–2 | lb Liban | 52 | Goyang Stadium | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Mer | 2021-06-09 | 20:00 | Sri Lanka lk | 0–5 | kr Corée du Sud | 4,008 | Goyang Stadium | Shen Yinhao | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 16:00 | Myanmar mm | 1–8 | kg Kirghizistan | Yanmar Stadium Nagai | Hussein Abo Yehia | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 17:30 | Cambodge kh | 0–10 | ir Iran | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Kim Jonghyeok | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 7 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 18:00 | Philippines ph | 3–0 | gu Guam | Sharjah Stadium | Ammar Ali Al Jneibi | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 19:00 | Népal np | 0–3 | au Australie | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 19:30 | R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong hk | 0–1 | iq Irak | Sheikh Ali bin Mohammed Stadium | Hiroyuki Kimura | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 20:10 | Afghanistan af | 1–2 | om Oman | 183 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 20:45 | Malaisie my | 1–2 | vn Viêt Nam | 335 | Al Maktoum Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 20:45 | Indonésie id | 0–5 | ae UAE | 963 | Zabeel Stadium | Mohammed Khaled Al Hoish | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 7 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 21:00 | Chine cn | 5–0 | mv Maldives | Sharjah Stadium | Ahmed Al Ali | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 21:00 | Yemen ye | 0–1 | uz Ouzbékistan | 230 | King Fahd International Stadium | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 21:00 | Singapour sg | 0–3 | sa Arabie saoudite | 4,879 | Mrsool Park | Mohanad Qasim Sarray | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 8 | Ven | 2021-06-11 | 22:00 | Koweït kw | 0–0 | jo Jordanie | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Dim | 2021-06-13 | 15:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 2–1 | lb Liban | 4,061 | Goyang Stadium | Khamis Al Marri | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 15:00 | Corée du Nord kp | tm Turkménistan | Goyang Stadium | Rapport de match | Match annulé | |||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 17:00 | Inde in | 1–1 | af Afghanistan | 603 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Ali Reda | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 19:00 | Philippines ph | 1–1 | mv Maldives | Sharjah Stadium | Kim Heegon | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 19:00 | Australie au | 1–0 | jo Jordanie | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Kim Woosung | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 19:25 | Tadjikistan tj | 4–0 | mm Myanmar | Yanmar Stadium Nagai | Omar Mohamed Al Ali | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 19:25 | Japon jp | 5–1 | kg Kirghizistan | Panasonic Stadium Suita | Omar Mubarak Al Yaqoubi | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 19:30 | Bahreïn bh | 4–0 | hk R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong | Stād al-Bahrayn al-Watanī | Yaqoob Said Abdul Baqi | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 20:10 | Bangladesh bd | 0–3 | om Oman | 885 | Jassim bin Hamad Stadium | Ali Shaban | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 20:45 | Thaïlande th | 0–1 | my Malaisie | 142 | Al Maktoum Stadium | Mohammed Khaled Al Hoish | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 20:45 | UAE ae | 3–2 | vn Viêt Nam | 1,355 | Zabeel Stadium | Ali Sabah Adday Al Qaysi | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 21:00 | Territoire palestinien ps | 3–0 | ye Yemen | 430 | King Fahd International Stadium | Masoud Tufaylieh | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 21:00 | Iran ir | 1–0 | iq Irak | Sheikh Ali bin Mohammed Stadium | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 21:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 3–0 | uz Ouzbékistan | 6,339 | Mrsool Park | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 22:00 | Chine cn | 3–1 | sy Syrie | Sharjah Stadium | Taqi Aljaafari Jahari | Rapport de match | ||
Second tour | 10 | Mar | 2021-06-15 | 22:00 | Taïwan tw | 1–2 | kw Koweït | Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match |
Sem. | Jour | Date | Heure | Domicile | Score | Extérieur | Affluence | Tribune | Arbitre | Rapport de match | Notes |
1 | Jeu | 2021-09-02 | 19:14 | Japon jp | 0–1 | om Oman | 4,853 | Panasonic Stadium Suita | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | |
1 | Jeu | 2021-09-02 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 0–0 | iq Irak | Seoul World Cup Stadium | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | ||
1 | Jeu | 2021-09-02 | 20:30 | Iran ir | 1–0 | sy Syrie | Azadi Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | ||
1 | Jeu | 2021-09-02 | 20:45 | UAE ae | 0–0 | lb Liban | 1,513 | Zabeel Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | |
1 | Jeu | 2021-09-02 | 21:00 | Australie au | 3–0 | cn Chine | Khalifa International Stadium | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | ||
1 | Jeu | 2021-09-02 | 21:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 3–1 | vn Viêt Nam | 8,331 | Mrsool Park | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match | |
2 | Mar | 2021-09-07 | 18:00 | Chine cn | 0–1 | jp Japon | Khalifa International Stadium | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | ||
2 | Mar | 2021-09-07 | 19:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 0–1 | au Australie | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Abdelrahman Al Jassim | Rapport de match | ||
2 | Mar | 2021-09-07 | 19:00 | Syrie sy | 1–1 | ae UAE | 2,370 | King Abdullah International Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | |
2 | Mar | 2021-09-07 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 1–0 | lb Liban | Suwon World Cup Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | ||
2 | Mar | 2021-09-07 | 20:00 | Oman om | 0–1 | sa Arabie saoudite | 8,150 | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
2 | Mar | 2021-09-07 | 21:00 | Irak iq | 0–3 | ir Iran | Khalifa International Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | ||
3 | Jeu | 2021-10-07 | 17:30 | Irak iq | 0–0 | lb Liban | Khalifa International Stadium | Turki Mohammed Al Khudayr | Rapport de match | ||
3 | Jeu | 2021-10-07 | 20:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 1–0 | jp Japon | 51,218 | King Abdullah Sports City | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
3 | Jeu | 2021-10-07 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 2–1 | sy Syrie | Ansan Wa~ Stadium | Abdulrahman Ibrahim Al Jassim | Rapport de match | ||
3 | Jeu | 2021-10-07 | 20:45 | UAE ae | 0–1 | ir Iran | 3,034 | Zabeel Stadium | Chris Beath | Rapport de match | |
3 | Jeu | 2021-10-07 | 21:00 | Chine cn | 3–2 | vn Viêt Nam | Sharjah Stadium | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | ||
3 | Jeu | 2021-10-07 | 21:30 | Australie au | 3–1 | om Oman | Khalifa International Stadium | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | ||
4 | Mar | 2021-10-12 | 17:00 | Iran ir | 1–1 | kr Corée du Sud | Azadi Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | ||
4 | Mar | 2021-10-12 | 19:00 | Syrie sy | 2–3 | lb Liban | 2,377 | King Abdullah International Stadium | Chris Beath | Rapport de match | |
4 | Mar | 2021-10-12 | 19:14 | Japon jp | 2–1 | au Australie | 14,437 | Saitama Stadium 2002 | Abdulrahman Ibrahim Al Jassim | Rapport de match | |
4 | Mar | 2021-10-12 | 20:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 3–2 | cn Chine | 54,124 | King Abdullah Sports City | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match | |
4 | Mar | 2021-10-12 | 20:00 | Oman om | 3–1 | vn Viêt Nam | 9,123 | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
4 | Mar | 2021-10-12 | 20:45 | UAE ae | 2–2 | iq Irak | 2,820 | Zabeel Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | |
5 | Jeu | 2021-11-11 | 14:00 | Liban lb | 1–2 | ir Iran | Saida International Stadium | Abdulrahman Ibrahim Al Jassim | Rapport de match | ||
5 | Jeu | 2021-11-11 | 19:00 | Chine cn | 1–1 | om Oman | 1,700 | Sharjah Stadium | Sivakorn Pu-udom | Rapport de match | |
5 | Jeu | 2021-11-11 | 19:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 0–1 | jp Japon | 11,022 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | |
5 | Jeu | 2021-11-11 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 1–0 | ae UAE | 30,152 | Goyang Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | |
5 | Jeu | 2021-11-11 | 20:00 | Irak iq | 1–1 | sy Syrie | 50 | Thani bin Jassim Stadium | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | |
5 | Jeu | 2021-11-11 | 20:10 | Australie au | 0–0 | sa Arabie saoudite | 23,314 | CommBank Stadium | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
6 | Mar | 2021-11-16 | 14:00 | Liban lb | 0–1 | ae UAE | Saida International Stadium | Shaun Evans | Rapport de match | ||
6 | Mar | 2021-11-16 | 18:00 | Irak iq | 0–3 | kr Corée du Sud | Thani bin Jassim Stadium | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match | ||
6 | Mar | 2021-11-16 | 18:00 | Syrie sy | 0–3 | ir Iran | 907 | King Abdullah International Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | |
6 | Mar | 2021-11-16 | 19:00 | Chine cn | 1–1 | au Australie | 1,050 | Sharjah Stadium | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
6 | Mar | 2021-11-16 | 19:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 0–1 | sa Arabie saoudite | 9,669 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
6 | Mar | 2021-11-16 | 20:00 | Oman om | 0–1 | jp Japon | 14,123 | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
7 | Jeu | 2022-01-27 | 14:00 | Liban lb | 0–1 | kr Corée du Sud | 5,400 | Saida International Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | |
7 | Jeu | 2022-01-27 | 18:00 | Iran ir | 1–0 | iq Irak | 9,354 | Azadi Stadium | Chris Beath | Rapport de match | |
7 | Jeu | 2022-01-27 | 19:00 | UAE ae | 2–0 | sy Syrie | 2,450 | Al Maktoum Stadium | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match | |
7 | Jeu | 2022-01-27 | 19:00 | Japon jp | 2–0 | cn Chine | 11,753 | Saitama Stadium 2002 | Abdulrahman Ibrahim Al Jassim | Rapport de match | |
7 | Jeu | 2022-01-27 | 20:10 | Australie au | 4–0 | vn Viêt Nam | 27,740 | AAMI Park | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
7 | Jeu | 2022-01-27 | 20:15 | Arabie saoudite sa | 1–0 | om Oman | 47,364 | King Abdullah Sports City | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | |
8 | Mar | 2022-02-01 | 14:00 | Liban lb | 1–1 | iq Irak | 6,341 | Saida International Stadium | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match | |
8 | Mar | 2022-02-01 | 18:00 | Iran ir | 1–0 | ae UAE | Azadi Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | ||
8 | Mar | 2022-02-01 | 18:00 | Syrie sy | 0–2 | kr Corée du Sud | 310 | Al Rashid Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Hiroyuki Kimura | Rapport de match | |
8 | Mar | 2022-02-01 | 19:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 3–1 | cn Chine | 6,099 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | |
8 | Mar | 2022-02-01 | 19:14 | Japon jp | 2–0 | sa Arabie saoudite | 19,118 | Saitama Stadium 2002 | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
8 | Mar | 2022-02-01 | 20:00 | Oman om | 2–2 | au Australie | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | ||
9 | Jeu | 2022-03-24 | 14:00 | Liban lb | 0–3 | sy Syrie | 5,422 | Saida International Stadium | Abdulrahman Ibrahim Al Jassim | Rapport de match | |
9 | Jeu | 2022-03-24 | 19:00 | Viêt Nam vn | 0–1 | om Oman | 6,923 | Sân vận động quốc gia Mỹ Đình | Hanna Hattab | Rapport de match | |
9 | Jeu | 2022-03-24 | 19:00 | Chine cn | 1–1 | sa Arabie saoudite | 200 | Sharjah Stadium | Mohammed Abdulla Hassan | Rapport de match | |
9 | Jeu | 2022-03-24 | 20:00 | Corée du Sud kr | 2–0 | ir Iran | 64,375 | Seoul World Cup Stadium | Chris Beath | Rapport de match | |
9 | Jeu | 2022-03-24 | 20:00 | Irak iq | 1–0 | ae UAE | 1,320 | King Fahd International Stadium | Ma Ning | Rapport de match | |
9 | Jeu | 2022-03-24 | 20:10 | Australie au | 0–2 | jp Japon | 41,852 | ANZ Stadium | Nawaf Shukralla | Rapport de match | |
10 | Mar | 2022-03-29 | 16:00 | Iran ir | 2–0 | lb Liban | 22,453 | Imam Reza Stadium | Fu Ming | Rapport de match | |
10 | Mar | 2022-03-29 | 17:45 | Syrie sy | 1–1 | iq Irak | 3,710 | Al Rashid Stadium | Ryūji Satō | Rapport de match | |
10 | Mar | 2022-03-29 | 17:45 | UAE ae | 1–0 | kr Corée du Sud | 4,223 | Al Maktoum Stadium | Ahmed Al Kaf | Rapport de match | |
10 | Mar | 2022-03-29 | 19:35 | Japon jp | 1–1 | vn Viêt Nam | 44,600 | Saitama Stadium 2002 | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match | |
10 | Mar | 2022-03-29 | 20:00 | Oman om | 2–0 | cn Chine | 2,500 | Sultan Qaboos Sport Complex | Ko Hyungjin | Rapport de match | |
10 | Mar | 2022-03-29 | 21:00 | Arabie saoudite sa | 1–0 | au Australie | 51,433 | King Abdullah Sports City | Adham Makhadmeh | Rapport de match |
Jour | Date | Heure | Domicile | Score | Extérieur | Affluence | Tribune | Arbitre | Rapport de match | Notes |
Mar | 2022-06-07 | 21:00 | UAE ae | 1–2 | au Australie | 6,500 | Ahmed bin Ali Stadium (Terrain neutre) | Ilgiz Tantashev | Rapport de match |
À propos de a été lancé (13 juin 2018) avec un traitement des compétitions nationales pour l'Angleterre, la France, l'Allemagne, l'Italie, l'Espagne et les États-Unis. Depuis lors, nous n'avons cessé d'étendre nos statistiques pour inclure des championnats nationaux de plus de 40 pays, ainsi que des coupes nationales, des super coupes et des compétitions de jeunes des principaux pays européens. Nous avons également ajouté des données pour les grandes coupes internationales telles la Ligue des Champions de l'UEFA et la Copa Libertadores.
FBref is the most complete sources for women's football data on the internet. This includes the entire history of the FIFA Women's World Cup as well as recent domestic league seasons from nine countries, including advanced stats like xG for most of those nine.
In collaboration with Opta, we are including advanced analytical data such as xG, xA, progressive passing, duels and more for over twenty competitions. For more information on the expected goals model and which competitions have advanced data, see our xG explainer.
Le personnel de Sports Reference est entièrement anglophone et hispanophone à l'heure actuelle. Nous espérons servir tous nos clients quelle que soit leur langue maternelle, donc nous ferons de notre mieux pour traduire correctement notre site en {langue}. Si vous trouvez une erreur ou un mot, une phrase ou une abréviation mal choisis, veuillez nous en informer et nous tenterons de corriger le problème rapidement.
Note that player records are likely not complete for their careers. Players may come from or move to leagues we don't currently cover. This issue will go down over time, as we add new leagues and seasons. We will never in the future have less data than we do today.
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