
Qualifikation Table
Verein Staatenbund Wett Methode Hinweise
ao AngolaCAFWCQ — CAF (M) - Second round1. Platz - Group 4
ao AngolaCAFWCQ — CAF (M) - Second round1. Platz - Group 4
au AustraliaAFCFIFA World Cup Qualification — Inter-confederation play-offs
cr Costa RicaCONCACAFWCQ — CONCACAF (M) - Fourth round3. Platz
ci Côte d'IvoireCAFWCQ — CAF (M) - Second round1. Platz - Group 3
ci Côte d'IvoireCAFWCQ — CAF (M) - Second round1. Platz - Group 3
hr CroatiaUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - First round1. Platz - Group 8
cz CzechiaUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - Second roundSieg gegen no Norway
eng EnglandUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - First round1. Platz - Group 6
fr FranceUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - First round1. Platz - Group 4
de GermanyUEFAGastgeber des WettbewerbsGermany qualified as host.
gh GhanaCAFWCQ — CAF (M) - Second round1. Platz - Group 2
gh GhanaCAFWCQ — CAF (M) - Second round1. Platz - Group 2
ir IR IranAFCWCQ — AFC (M) - Third round2. Platz - Group B
it ItalyUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - First round1. Platz - Group 5
jp JapanAFCWCQ — AFC (M) - Third round1. Platz - Group B
kr Korea RepublicAFCWCQ — AFC (M) - Third round2. Platz - Group A
mx MexicoCONCACAFWCQ — CONCACAF (M) - Fourth round2. Platz
nl NetherlandsUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - First round1. Platz - Group 1
pl PolandUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - Ranking of second-placed teams2. Platz
pt PortugalUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - First round1. Platz - Group 3
sa Saudi ArabiaAFCWCQ — AFC (M) - Third round1. Platz - Group A
rs Serbia and MontenegroUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - First round1. Platz - Group 7
es SpainUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - Second roundSieg gegen sk Slovakia
se SwedenUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - Ranking of second-placed teams1. Platz
ch SwitzerlandUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - Second roundSieg gegen tr Türkiye
tg TogoCAFWCQ — CAF (M) - Second round1. Platz - Group 1
tg TogoCAFWCQ — CAF (M) - Second round1. Platz - Group 1
tt Trinidad and TobagoCONCACAFWCQ — CONCACAF (M) - Fourth round4. Platz
tt Trinidad and TobagoCONCACAFFIFA World Cup Qualification — Inter-confederation play-offs
tn TunisiaCAFWCQ — CAF (M) - Second round1. Platz - Group 5
tn TunisiaCAFWCQ — CAF (M) - Second round1. Platz - Group 5
ua UkraineUEFAWCQ — UEFA (M) - First round1. Platz - Group 2
us United StatesCONCACAFWCQ — CONCACAF (M) - Fourth round1. Platz

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