All National Football Awards


Auszeichnungen Table
Award Award Type Leitungsorgan Wettbewerbsname Geschlecht
Albanian Footballer of the YearNationalAlbaniaM
Algerian Ballon d'OrNationalAlgeriaM
Argentina Footballer of the YearNationalArgentinaM
Armenian Footballer of the YearNationalArmeniaM
Austrian Footballer of the YearNationalAustriaM
Azerbaijani Footballer of the YearNationalAzerbaijanM
Belarusian Footballer of the YearNationalBelarusM
Belgian Footballer of the YearNationalBelgiumM
Bosnian Footballer of the YearNationalBosnia and HerzegovinaM
Brazil Golden BallNationalBrazilM
Bulgarian Female Footballer of the YearNationalBulgariaW
Bulgarian Male Footballer of the YearNationalBulgariaM
Chile Footballer of the YearNationalChileM
Chinese Footballer of the Year Men's PrizeNationalChina PRM
Chinese Footballer of the Year Women's PrizeNationalChina PRW
Croatian Footballer of the YearNationalCroatiaM
Czech Republic Footballer of the YearNationalCzech RepublicM
Czech Republic Golden BallNationalCzech RepublicM
Czechoslovakia Footballer of the YearNationalCzechoslovakiaM
Danish Female Footballer of the YearNationalDenmarkW
Danish Male Footballer of the YearNationalDenmarkM
DZFoot d'Or NationalAlgeriaM
Estonian Footballer of the YearNationalEstoniaM
Faroese Footballer of the YearNationalFaroe IslandsM
Finnish Female Footballer of the YearNationalFinlandW
Finnish Male Footballer of the YearNationalFinland
French Player of the YearNationalFranceM
FWA Footballer of the YearNationalEnglandM
Georgian Footballer of the YearNationalGeorgiaM
German Female Football of the YearNationalGermanyW
German Male Footballer of the YearNationalGermanyM
Ghana Player of the YearNationalGhanaM
Icelandic Male or Female Footballer of the YearNationalIcelandM
Ireland PFAI Players' Player of the YearNationalRepublic of IrelandM
Israel Footballer of the YearNationalIsraelM
Ivory Coast Footballer of the YearNationalCôte d'IvoireM
Kazakhstani Footballer of the YearNationalKazakhstanM
Kenya Player of the YearNationalKenyaM
Latvian Footballer of the YearNationalLatviaM
Liechtensteiner Footballer of the YearNationalLiechtensteinM
Lithuanian Footballer of the YearNationalLithuaniaM
Luxembourgish Footballer of the YearNationalLuxembourgM
Maltese Player of the YearNationalMaltaM
Moldovan Footballer of the YearNationalMoldovaM
Montenegrin Footballer of the YearNationalMontenegroM
Netherlands Footballer of the YearNationalNetherlandsM
Netherlands Golden BootNationalNetherlandsM
Northern Ireland FWA Player of the YearNationalNorthern IrelandM
Northern Ireland Ulster Footballer of the YearNationalNorthern IrelandM
Norwegian Kniksen AwardNationalNorway
Paraguay Footballer of the YearNationalParaguayM
PFA Players' Player of the YearNationalEnglandM
Polish Footballer of the YearNationalPolandM
Portuguese Golden BallNationalPortugalM
Romanian Footballer of the YearNationalRomaniaM
Russian Footballer of the Year (Sport-Express)NationalRussiaM
Sanmarinese Crystal BallNationalSan MarinoM
Serbian Footballer of the YearNationalSerbiaM
Slovakian Footballer of the YearNationalSlovakiaM
Slovenian Footballer of the YearNationalSloveniaM
Soviet Union Footballer of the YearNationalSoviet UnionM
Suriname Footballer of the YearNationalSurinameM
Swedish Golden BallNationalSwedenM
Swiss Footballer of the YearNationalSwitzerlandM
Turkish Footballer of the YearNationalTurkeyM
Ukrainian Women's Footballer of the YearNationalUkraineW
USSF Female Athlete of the YearNationalUnited StatesW
USSF Male Athlete of the YearNationalUnited StatesM
Uzbekistan Player of the YearNationalUzbekistanM
Vietnamese Golden BallNationalVietnamM
Welsh Female Footballer of the YearNationalWalesW
Welsh Male Footballer of the YearNationalWalesM
Yugoslavian Footballer of the YearNationalYugoslaviaM
Zimbabwe Soccer Star of the YearNationalZimbabweM

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