Northern Ireland Ulster Footballer of the Year Winners


Winners Table
Saison Spieler Land Alt Verein Pos
2023-2024Kyle McCleannir NIR24Northern Ireland, LinfieldMF
2022-2023Leroy Millarnir NIR26Northern Ireland, LarneMF
2021-2022Chris Shieldsie IRL30Republic of Ireland, LinfieldMF
2020-2021Shayne Laverynir NIR21Northern IrelandFW
2018-2019Jimmy Callachernir NIR27Northern Ireland, LinfieldMF
2017-2018Gavin Whytenir NIR21Northern Ireland, CrusadersFW,MF
2016-2017Jamie Mulgrewnir NIR30Northern Ireland, LinfieldMF
2015-2016Billy Joe Burnsnir NIR26Northern Ireland, CrusadersDF
2014-2015Paul Heatleynir NIR27Northern Ireland, CrusadersMF
2013-2014Joe Gormleynir NIR23Northern Ireland, CliftonvilleFW
2012-2013Liam Boycenir NIR21Northern Ireland, CliftonvilleFW,MF
2011-2012Gary McCutcheonsct SCO32Scotland, Ballymena UnitedFW
2010-2011Alan Blayneynir NIR28Northern Ireland, LinfieldGK
2009-2010Rory Pattersonnir NIR25Northern Ireland, ColeraineFW
2008-2009Chris Scannell 31Northern Ireland, CliftonvilleFW
2007-2008Alan Mannusnir NIR25Northern Ireland, LinfieldGK
2006-2007William Murphy Northern Ireland, Linfield
2005-2006Glenn Fergusonnir NIR36Northern Ireland, LinfieldFW
2004-2005Paul Leeman Northern Ireland, Glentoran
2003-2004Glenn Fergusonnir NIR34Northern Ireland, LinfieldFW
2002-2003Gary Smythnir NIR32Northern Ireland, GlentoranDF
2001-2002Mickey Keenan Northern Ireland, Portadown
2000-2001Glenn Fergusonnir NIR31Northern Ireland, LinfieldFW
1999-2000Vinny Arkinsie IRL28Ireland, PortadownFW
1998-1999John Devinenir NIR29Northern Ireland, GlentoranDF
1997-1998Marty Tabb Northern Ireland, Cliftonville
1996-1997Stephen Baxternir NIR30Northern Ireland, CrusadersFW
1995-1996Peter Kennedynir NIR21Northern Ireland, PortadownDF,MF
1994-1995Kevin McKeownsct SCO26Scotland, CrusadersGK
1993-1994Noel Bailienir NIR22Linfield FCDF
1992-1993Stevie Cowan Scotland, Portadown
1991-1992Raymond Morrison 29Northern Ireland, Glentoran
1990-1991Stephen McBridenir NIR26Glenavon FCFW
1989-1990Ollie Ralph Ireland, Newry Town
1988-1989Lindsay McKeown 31Northern Ireland, LinfieldDF,MF
1987-1988Alan Patersonnir NIR33Northern Ireland, GlentoranGK
1986-1987Raymond McCoy Northern Ireland, Coleraine
1985-1986Pat McCoy Northern Ireland, Crusaders
1984-1985Martin McGaugheynir NIR23Northern Ireland, LinfieldFW
1983-1984Bobby Carlisle Northern Ireland, Cliftonville
1982-1983Jim Cleary Northern Ireland, Glentoran
1981-1982Felix Healynir NIR25Northern Ireland, ColeraineFW,MF
1980-1981George Dunlopnir NIR24Northern Ireland, LinfieldGK
1979-1980Lindsay McKeown 22Northern Ireland, LinfieldDF,MF
1978-1979Roy Walsh Northern Ireland, Glentoran
1977-1978Jim Martin Northern Ireland, Linfield
1976-1977Peter Rafferty Northern Ireland, Linfield
1975-1976Warren Feeneynir NIR-6Northern Ireland, GlentoranFW
1974-1975Eric Bowyer Northern Ireland, Linfield
1973-1974Arthur Stewart Northern Ireland, Ballymena United
1972-1973Sammy Lunn Northern Ireland, Portadown
1971-1972Billy Humphriesnir NIR35Northern Ireland, ArdsMF
1970-1971Bryan Hamiltonnir NIR23Northern Ireland, LinfieldMF
1969-1970Billy Humphriesnir NIR33Northern Ireland, ArdsMF
1968-1969Billy McAvoy Northern Ireland, Ards
1967-1968Sammy Hatton Northern Ireland, Linfield
1966-1967Walter Bruce Northern Ireland, Glentoran
1965-1966Tommy Leishman Scotland, Linfield
1964-1965Dougie Wood Scotland, Derry City
1963-1964Trevor Thompson Northern Ireland, Glentoran
1962-1963Roy Rea Northern Ireland, Glentoran
1961-1962Tommy Dickson Northern Ireland, Linfield
1960-1961Albert Campbellnir NIR22Northern Ireland, CrusadersDF
1959-1960Billy Neill Northern Ireland, Glentoran
1958-1959Clancy McDermott Northern Ireland, Coleraine
1957-1958Jackie Milburn Northern Ireland, Linfield
1956-1957Wilbur Cush Northern Ireland, Glenavon
1955-1956Dick Keith Northern Ireland, Linfield
1954-1955Maurice McVeigh Northern Ireland, Glenavon
1953-1954Jimmy Delaney Scotland, Derry City
1952-1953Sammy Hughes Northern Ireland, Glentoran
1951-1952Eric Treverrow Scotland, Ballymena United
1950-1951Kevin McGarry Northern Ireland, Cliftonville

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