Northern Ireland FWA Player of the Year Winners
Stagione | Giocatore | Nazione | Età | Squadra | Ruolo |
2023-2024 | Kyle McClean | nir NIR | 24 | Northern Ireland, Linfield | MF |
2022-2023 | Leroy Millar | nir NIR | 26 | Northern Ireland, Larne | MF |
2021-2022 | Chris Shields | ie IRL | 30 | Republic of Ireland, Linfield | MF |
2020-2021 | Shayne Lavery | nir NIR | 21 | Northern Ireland | FW |
2019-2020 | Joel Cooper | nir NIR | 23 | Northern Ireland, Linfield | MF |
2018-2019 | Jimmy Callacher | nir NIR | 27 | Northern Ireland, Linfield | MF |
2017-2018 | Gavin Whyte | nir NIR | 21 | Northern Ireland, Crusaders | FW,MF |
2016-2017 | Jamie Mulgrew | nir NIR | 30 | Northern Ireland, Linfield | MF |
2015-2016 | Billy Joe Burns | nir NIR | 26 | Northern Ireland, Crusaders | DF |
2014-2015 | Paul Heatley | nir NIR | 27 | Northern Ireland, Crusaders | MF |
2013-2014 | Joe Gormley | nir NIR | 23 | Northern Ireland, Cliftonville | FW |
2012-2013 | Liam Boyce | nir NIR | 21 | Northern Ireland, Cliftonville | FW,MF |
2011-2012 | Chris Morrow | Northern Ireland, Crusaders | |||
2010-2011 | Stuart Dallas | nir NIR | 19 | Northern Ireland, Crusaders | DF,FW |
2009-2010 | Rory Patterson | nir NIR | 25 | Northern Ireland, Coleraine | FW |
2008-2009 | Chris Scannell | 31 | Northern Ireland, Cliftonville | FW | |
2007-2008 | Michael Gault | Northern Ireland, Linfield | |||
2006-2007 | William Murphy | Northern Ireland, Linfield | |||
2005-2006 | Glenn Ferguson | nir NIR | 36 | Northern Ireland, Linfield | FW |
2004-2005 | Mark Glendinning | Northern Ireland, Glentoran | |||
2003-2004 | Glenn Ferguson | nir NIR | 34 | Northern Ireland, Linfield | FW |
2002-2003 | Gary Smyth | nir NIR | 32 | Northern Ireland, Glentoran | DF |
2001-2002 | Vinny Arkins | ie IRL | 30 | Ireland, Portadown | FW |
2000-2001 | Glenn Ferguson | nir NIR | 31 | Northern Ireland, Linfield | FW |
1999-2000 | Vinny Arkins | ie IRL | 28 | Ireland, Portadown | FW |
1998-1999 | John Devine | nir NIR | 29 | Northern Ireland, Glentoran | DF |
1997-1998 | Marty Tabb | Northern Ireland, Cliftonville | |||
1996-1997 | Stephen Baxter | nir NIR | 30 | Northern Ireland, Crusaders | FW |
1995-1996 | Peter Kennedy | nir NIR | 21 | Northern Ireland, Portadown | DF,MF |
1994-1995 | Kevin McKeown | sct SCO | 26 | Scotland, Crusaders | GK |
1993-1994 | Noel Bailie | nir NIR | 22 | Linfield FC | DF |
1992-1993 | Paul Byrne | Ireland, Bangor | |||
1991-1992 | Raymond Morrison | 29 | Northern Ireland, Glentoran | ||
1990-1991 | Stephen McBride | nir NIR | 26 | Glenavon FC | FW |
1989-1990 | Ollie Ralph | Ireland, Newry Town | |||
1988-1989 | Marty Magee | Northern Ireland, Portadown | |||
1987-1988 | Alan Paterson | nir NIR | 33 | Northern Ireland, Glentoran | GK |
1986-1987 | Damien Byrne | Ireland, Ards | |||
1985-1986 | Trevor Anderson | Northern Ireland, Linfield | |||
1984-1985 | Martin McGaughey | nir NIR | 23 | Northern Ireland, Linfield | FW |
1983-1984 | Billy Murray | Northern Ireland, Linfield | |||
1982-1983 | George Dunlop | nir NIR | 26 | Northern Ireland, Linfield | GK |
1981-1982 | Felix Healy | nir NIR | 25 | Northern Ireland, Coleraine | FW,MF |
1980-1981 | Gary Blackledge | Northern Ireland, Glentoran | |||
1979-1980 | Lindsay McKeown | 22 | Northern Ireland, Linfield | DF,MF | |
1978-1979 | Ray McGuigan | Northern Ireland, Glentoran | |||
1977-1978 | Jim Martin | Northern Ireland, Linfield | |||
1976-1977 | Billy Caskey | Northern Ireland, Glentoran | |||
1975-1976 | Warren Feeney | nir NIR | -6 | Northern Ireland, Glentoran | FW |
1974-1975 | Ivan Murray | Northern Ireland, Coleraine | |||
1973-1974 | Ivan Murray | Northern Ireland, Coleraine | |||
1972-1973 | John McPolin | Northern Ireland, Crusaders | |||
1971-1972 | Billy Humphries | nir NIR | 35 | Northern Ireland, Ards | MF |
1970-1971 | Bryan Hamilton | nir NIR | 23 | Northern Ireland, Linfield | MF |
1969-1970 | Des Dickson | Northern Ireland, Coleraine |
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