Clubes, jugadores y competiciones de fútbol por país

Una lista de los países en los que se juega al fútbol y de las competiciones patrocinadas. Haz clic en el país para obtener información adicional.


Países Table
País Flag Ente regulador N.° de clubes N.° de Jugadores Equipos nacionales Competencias Awards
Afghanistanaf AFC0205Hombres / Mujeres
Albaniaal UEFA17569Hombres / MujeresAlbanian Footballer of the Year
Algeriadz CAF0527Hombres / MujeresAlgerian Ballon d'Or, DZFoot d'Or
American Samoaas OFC055Hombres
Andorraad UEFA11149Hombres / Mujeres
Angolaao CAF0323Hombres / Mujeres
Anguillaai CONCACAF0128Hombres / Mujeres
Antigua and Barbudaag CONCACAF1170Hombres / Mujeres
Argentinaar CONMEBOL415097Hombres / MujeresLiga Profesional de Fútbol Argentina (M), Copa de la Liga Profesional (M)Argentina Footballer of the Year
Armeniaam UEFA16290Hombres / MujeresArmenian Footballer of the Year
Arubaaw CONCACAF0153Hombres / Mujeres
Australiaau AFC241634Hombres / MujeresA-League Men (M), A-League Women (F)A-League Golden Boot, A-League Joe Marston Medal, A-League Johnny Warren Medal, A-League Women Julie Dolan Award, ...
Austriaat UEFA421914Hombres / MujeresAustrian Football Bundesliga (M), ÖFB Frauen-Bundesliga (F)Austrian Footballer of the Year
Azerbaijanaz UEFA20296Hombres / MujeresAzerbaijani Footballer of the Year
Bahamasbs CONCACAF0115Hombres
Bahrainbh AFC0225Hombres / Mujeres
Bangladeshbd AFC0185Hombres / Mujeres
Barbadosbb CONCACAF0189Hombres / Mujeres
Belarusby UEFA18420Hombres / MujeresBelarusian Footballer of the Year
Belgiumbe UEFA673079Hombres / MujeresBelgian Pro League (M), Belgian Women's Super League (F), Challenger Pro League (M)Belgian Footballer of the Year
Belizebz CONCACAF0149Hombres
Beninbj CAF0158Hombres / Mujeres
Bermudabm CONCACAF0169Hombres
Bhutanbt AFC0117Hombres / Mujeres
Boliviabo CONMEBOL311210Hombres / MujeresDivisión de Fútbol Profesional (M)
Bonairebq CONCACAF05
Bosnia and Herzegovinaba UEFA181012Hombres / MujeresBosnian Footballer of the Year
Botswanabw CAF0201Hombres / Mujeres
Brazilbr CONMEBOL979248Hombres / MujeresCampeonato Brasileiro Série A (M), Brasileirão Feminino Série A1 (F), Campeonato Brasileiro Série B (M)Brazil Golden Ball
British Virgin Islandsvg CONCACAF0111Hombres
Brunei Darussalambn AFC078Hombres
Bulgariabg UEFA471921Hombres / MujeresFirst Professional Football League (M)Bulgarian Female Footballer of the Year, Bulgarian Male Footballer of the Year
Burkina Fasobf CAF0291Hombres / Mujeres
Burundibi CAF0170Hombres / Mujeres
Cambodiakh AFC0155Hombres
Camerooncm CAF0868Hombres / Mujeres
Canadaca CONCACAF21983Hombres / MujeresCanadian Premier League (M)George Gross Memorial Trophy
Cape Verdecv CAF0190Hombres / Mujeres
Cayman Islandsky CONCACAF0143Hombres / Mujeres
Central African Republiccf CAF0156Hombres
Chadtd CAF0105Hombres
Chilecl CONMEBOL281692Hombres / MujeresChilean Primera División (M)Chile Footballer of the Year
China PRcn AFC341533Hombres / MujeresChinese Football Association Super League (M)Chinese Footballer of the Year Men's Prize, Chinese Footballer of the Year Women's Prize
Chinese Taipeitw AFC0238Hombres / Mujeres
Colombiaco CONMEBOL292731Hombres / MujeresCategoría Primera A (M)
Commonwealth of Independent Statesxc FIFA019
Comoroskm CAF0141Hombres
Congocg CAF0267Hombres / Mujeres
Congo DRcd CAF0372Hombres / Mujeres
Cook Islandsck OFC078Hombres / Mujeres
Costa Ricacr CONCACAF0430Hombres / Mujeres
Côte d'Ivoireci CAF0801Hombres / MujeresIvory Coast Footballer of the Year
Croatiahr UEFA262046Hombres / MujeresCroatian Football League (M)Croatian Footballer of the Year
Cubacu CONCACAF0251Hombres / Mujeres
Curaçaocw CONCACAF0192Hombres / Mujeres
Cypruscy UEFA14377Hombres / Mujeres
Czech Republiccz UEFA331627Hombres / MujeresCzech First League (M)Czech Republic Footballer of the Year, Czech Republic Golden Ball
Czechoslovakiacs FIFA0171HombresCzechoslovakia Footballer of the Year
Denmarkdk UEFA402188Hombres / MujeresDanish Superliga (M), Danish Women's League (F)Danish Female Footballer of the Year, Danish Male Footballer of the Year
Djiboutidj CAF0101Hombres
Dominicadm CONCACAF0127Hombres
Dominican Republicdo CONCACAF0254Hombres / Mujeres
Ecuadorec CONMEBOL271632Hombres / MujeresLiga Profesional Ecuador (M)
Egypteg CAF0349Hombres / Mujeres
El Salvadorsv CONCACAF0379Hombres / Mujeres
Englandeng UEFA104111069Hombres / MujeresPremier League (M), Premier League 2 (M), FA Women's Super League (F), EFL Championship (M), Premier League 2 — Division 2 (M), EFL League One (M), EFL League Two (M), National League (M), FA Cup (M), FA Community Shield (M), EFL Cup (M)Premier League Golden Boot, Premier League Golden Glove, Premier League Player of the Season, FWA Footballer of the Year, ...
Equatorial Guineagq CAF0206Hombres / Mujeres
Eritreaer CAF072Hombres
Estoniaee UEFA16276Hombres / MujeresEstonian Footballer of the Year
Eswatinisz CAF0133Hombres / Mujeres
Ethiopiaet CAF0201Hombres / Mujeres
Faroe Islandsfo UEFA14248Hombres / MujeresFaroese Footballer of the Year
Fijifj OFC0144Hombres / Mujeres
Finlandfi UEFA391674Hombres / MujeresVeikkausliiga (M)Finnish Female Footballer of the Year, Finnish Male Footballer of the Year
Francefr UEFA75516497Hombres / MujeresLigue 1 (M), Première Ligue (F), Ligue 2 (M), Coupe de France (M), Trophée des Champions (M), Coupe de la Ligue (M)French Player of the Year, Ligue 1 Female Player of the Year, Ligue 1 Male Player of the Year
French Guianagf CONCACAF5235
Gabonga CAF0168Hombres
Gambiagm CAF0249Hombres / Mujeres
Georgiage UEFA23452Hombres / MujeresGeorgian Footballer of the Year
Germanyde UEFA44616979Hombres / MujeresFußball-Bundesliga (M), U19 DFB Youth League (M), U17 DFB Youth League (M), Frauen-Bundesliga (F), 2. Fußball-Bundesliga (M), 3. Fußball-Liga (M), DFB-Pokal (M), DFL-Supercup (M), DFB-Pokal Frauen (F)German Female Football of the Year, German Male Footballer of the Year
Germany DRdd FIFA075
Ghanagh CAF0959Hombres / MujeresGhana Player of the Year
Gibraltargi UEFA5120Hombres / Mujeres
Great Britaingb Great Britain10Mujeres
Greecegr UEFA461578Hombres / MujeresSuper League Greece (M)Best Greek Player (Superleague)
Grenadagd CONCACAF0200Hombres
Guadeloupegp CONCACAF4271Hombres
Guamgu AFC0121Hombres / Mujeres
Guatemalagt CONCACAF0334Hombres / Mujeres
Guineagn CAF0374Hombres
Guinea-Bissaugw CAF0199Hombres / Mujeres
Guyanagy CONCACAF0162Hombres / Mujeres
Haitiht CONCACAF0338Hombres / Mujeres
Hondurashn CONCACAF0339Hombres / Mujeres
Hong Konghk AFC0223Hombres / MujeresHong Kong Female Footballer of the Year, Hong Kong Male Footballer of the Year
Hungaryhu UEFA361987Hombres / MujeresNemzeti Bajnokság I (M)
Icelandis UEFA19521Hombres / MujeresIcelandic Male or Female Footballer of the Year
Indiain AFC421454Hombres / MujeresIndian Super League (M), I-League (M)
Indonesiaid AFC0395Hombres / MujeresIndonesia Liga 1 Best Player
IR Iranir AFC331152Hombres / MujeresPersian Gulf Pro League (M)Iranian Player of the Year
Iraqiq AFC0335Hombres / Mujeres
Israelil UEFA17651Hombres / MujeresIsrael Footballer of the Year
Italyit UEFA1808072Hombres / MujeresSerie A (M), Serie A (F), Serie B (M), Coppa Italia (M), Supercoppa Italiana (M)Serie A Footballer of the Year, Serie A Italian Footballer of the Year
Jamaicajm CONCACAF0517Hombres / Mujeres
Japanjp AFC643175Hombres / MujeresJ1 League (M), Women Empowerment League (F), J2 League (M)Japan J.League Player of the Year
Jordanjo AFC0243Hombres / Mujeres
Kazakhstankz UEFA17341Hombres / MujeresKazakhstani Footballer of the Year
Kenyake CAF0255Hombres / MujeresKenya Player of the Year
Korea DPRkp AFC0277Hombres / Mujeres
Korea Republickr AFC201629Hombres / MujeresK League 1 (M)South Korean K League 1 MVP, South Korean K League Players' Player of the Year
Kosovoxk UEFA10392Hombres / Mujeres
Kuwaitkw AFC0233Hombres
Kyrgyz Republickg AFC0160Hombres
Laosla AFC0206Hombres / Mujeres
Latvialv UEFA19304Hombres / MujeresLatvian Footballer of the Year
Lebanonlb AFC0268Hombres / Mujeres
Lesothols CAF0135Hombres / Mujeres
Liberialr CAF0232Hombres / Mujeres
Libyaly CAF0202Hombres
Liechtensteinli UEFA2149Hombres / MujeresLiechtensteiner Footballer of the Year
Lithuanialt UEFA20326Hombres / MujeresLithuanian Footballer of the Year
Luxembourglu UEFA20286Hombres / MujeresLuxembourgish Footballer of the Year
Macaumo AFC0122Hombres / Mujeres
Madagascarmg CAF0170Hombres
Malawimw CAF0160Hombres
Malaysiamy AFC0316Hombres / Mujeres
Maldivesmv AFC0178Hombres / Mujeres
Maliml CAF0421Hombres / Mujeres
Maltamt UEFA13249Hombres / MujeresMaltese Player of the Year
Martiniquemq CONCACAF2244Hombres / Mujeres
Mauritaniamr CAF0133Hombres
Mauritiusmu CAF0109Hombres / Mujeres
Mexicomx CONCACAF292454Hombres / MujeresLiga MX (M)Mexico Balon de Oro (Liga MX)
Moldovamd UEFA20352Hombres / MujeresMoldovan Footballer of the Year
Mongoliamn AFC0139Hombres / Mujeres
Montenegrome UEFA17470Hombres / MujeresMontenegrin Footballer of the Year
Montserratms CONCACAF0109Hombres
Moroccoma CAF0764Hombres / Mujeres
Mozambiquemz CAF0160Hombres / Mujeres
Myanmarmm AFC0232Hombres / Mujeres
Namibiana CAF0154Hombres / Mujeres
Nepalnp AFC0201Hombres / Mujeres
Netherlandsnl UEFA604428Hombres / MujeresEredivisie (M), Eredivisie Vrouwen (F), Eerste Divisie (M)Netherlands Footballer of the Year, Netherlands Golden Boot, Eredivisie Golden Shoe
New Caledonianc OFC0176Hombres / Mujeres
New Zealandnz OFC4371Hombres / Mujeres
Nicaraguani CONCACAF0217Hombres / Mujeres
Nigerne CAF0154Hombres / Mujeres
Nigeriang CAF01252Hombres / Mujeres
North Macedoniamk UEFA25490Hombres / Mujeres
Northern Irelandnir UEFA16588Hombres / MujeresNorthern Ireland FWA Player of the Year, Northern Ireland Ulster Footballer of the Year
Norwayno UEFA532690Hombres / MujeresEliteserien (M), Toppserien (F)Norwegian Kniksen Award
Omanom AFC0190Hombres
Pakistanpk AFC0170Hombres / Mujeres
Palestineps AFC0252Hombres / Mujeres
Panamapa CONCACAF0363Hombres / Mujeres
Papua New Guineapg OFC0110Hombres / Mujeres
Paraguaypy CONMEBOL271636Hombres / MujeresParaguayan Primera División (M)Paraguay Footballer of the Year
Perupe CONMEBOL351562Hombres / MujeresLiga 1 de Fútbol Profesional (M)
Philippinesph AFC0273Hombres / Mujeres
Polandpl UEFA492683Hombres / MujeresEkstraklasa (M)Polish Footballer of the Year
Portugalpt UEFA472086Hombres / MujeresPrimeira Liga (M)Portuguese Best Player , Portuguese Golden Ball
Puerto Ricopr CONCACAF2207Hombres / Mujeres
Qatarqa AFC0238Hombres
Republic of Irelandie UEFA171119Hombres / MujeresIreland PFAI Players' Player of the Year
Réunionre CAF4151
Romaniaro UEFA542322Hombres / MujeresLiga I (M)Romanian Footballer of the Year
Russiaru UEFA532359Hombres / MujeresRussian Premier League (M)Russian Footballer of the Year (Sport-Express)
Rwandarw CAF0176Hombres
Samoaws OFC0117Hombres / Mujeres
San Marinosm UEFA13143HombresSanmarinese Crystal Ball
São Tomé and Príncipest CAF0111Hombres
Saudi Arabiasa AFC281358Hombres / MujeresSaudi Professional League (M)
Scotlandsct UEFA412527Hombres / MujeresScottish Premiership (M), Scottish Championship (M)PFA Scotland Players' Player of the Year, Scottish Premier League Player of the Year
Senegalsn CAF0933Hombres / Mujeres
Serbiars UEFA472930Hombres / MujeresSerbian SuperLiga (M)Serbian Footballer of the Year
Serbia and MontenegroFIFA02
Seychellessc CAF0163Hombres / Mujeres
Sierra Leonesl CAF0205Hombres / Mujeres
Singaporesg AFC0223Hombres / MujeresSingapore Player of the Year
Sint Maartensx CONCACAF05
Slovakiask UEFA20844Hombres / MujeresSlovakian Footballer of the Year
Sloveniasi UEFA16600Hombres / MujeresSlovenian Footballer of the Year
Solomon Islandssb OFC0111Hombres / Mujeres
Somaliaso CAF0107Hombres
South Africaza CAF331448Hombres / MujeresSouth African Premier Division (M)
South Sudanss CAF0184Hombres / Mujeres
Soviet Unionsu FIFA0109HombresSoviet Union Footballer of the Year
Spaines UEFA37110079Hombres / MujeresLa Liga (M), Liga F (F), Spanish Segunda División (M), Copa del Rey (M), Supercopa de España (M)La Liga Best Player, Trofeo Alfredo Di Stéfano
Sri Lankalk AFC0142Hombres
St. Kitts and Neviskn CONCACAF0204Hombres / Mujeres
St. Lucialc CONCACAF0140Hombres / Mujeres
St. Vincent and the Grenadinesvc CONCACAF0179Hombres
Sudansd CAF0137Hombres / Mujeres
Surinamesr CONCACAF0206Hombres / MujeresSuriname Footballer of the Year
Swedense UEFA803956Hombres / MujeresAllsvenskan (M), Damallsvenskan (F), Superettan (M)Swedish Golden Ball
Switzerlandch UEFA321689Hombres / MujeresSwiss Super League (M), Swiss Women's Super League (F)Swiss Footballer of the Year
Syriasy AFC0289Hombres / Mujeres
Tahitipf OFC0156Hombres / Mujeres
Tajikistantj AFC0212Hombres / Mujeres
Tanzaniatz CAF0199Hombres / Mujeres
Thailandth AFC0329Hombres / Mujeres
Timor-Lestetl AFC0133Hombres
Togotg CAF0260Hombres / Mujeres
Tongato OFC096Hombres / Mujeres
Trinidad and Tobagott CONCACAF0343Hombres / Mujeres
Tunisiatn CAF0407Hombres / Mujeres
Türkiyetr UEFA562076Hombres / MujeresSüper Lig (M)Turkish Footballer of the Year
Turkmenistantm AFC0146Hombres / Mujeres
Turks and Caicos Islandstc CONCACAF0100Hombres
Ugandaug CAF0235Hombres / Mujeres
Ukraineua UEFA462281Hombres / MujeresUkrainian Premier League (M)Ukrainian Women's Footballer of the Year, Ukrainian Komanda Footballer of the Year
United Arab Emiratesae AFC0321Hombres / Mujeres
United Statesus CONCACAF2896514Hombres / MujeresMajor League Soccer (M), National Women's Soccer League (F), Women's United Soccer Association (F), Women's Professional Soccer (F), USL First Division (M), USL Championship (M), North American Soccer League (M), USSF Division 2 Professional League (M), USL League One (M), Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup (M), NWSL Challenge Cup (F), NWSL Fall Series (F)MLS MVP Award, NWSL Defender of the Year, NWSL Goalkeeper of the Year, NWSL Golden Boot, ...
Uruguayuy CONMEBOL282266HombresUruguayan Primera División (M)
US Virgin Islandsvi CONCACAF0123Hombres / Mujeres
Uzbekistanuz AFC0312Hombres / MujeresUzbekistan Player of the Year
Vanuatuvu OFC0117Hombres / Mujeres
Venezuelave CONMEBOL321938Hombres / MujeresVenezuelan Primera División (M)
Vietnamvn AFC0293Hombres / MujeresVietnamese Golden Ball
Waleswls UEFA23842Hombres / MujeresWelsh Female Footballer of the Year, Welsh Male Footballer of the Year
Yemenye AFC0182Hombres
Yugoslaviayu FIFA0182HombresYugoslavian Footballer of the Year
Zambiazm CAF0290Hombres / Mujeres
Zimbabwezw CAF0267Hombres / MujeresZimbabwe Soccer Star of the Year

Sobre se inauguró (13 de junio de 2018) con cobertura de las ligas nacionales de Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, Italia, España y Estados Unidos. Desde entonces hemos ido ampliando constantemente nuestra cobertura para incluir ligas nacionales de más de 40 países, así como ligas nacionales de copa, super copa y ligas juveniles de los principales países europeos. También hemos añadido cobertura para las principales copas internacionales, como la UEFA Champions League y la Copa Libertadores.

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En colaboración con Opta, estamos incluyendo datos analíticos avanzados como xG, xA, pases progresivos, duelos y más para más de veinte competiciones. Para más información sobre el modelo de goles esperados y qué competiciones tienen datos avanzados, consulte nuestro xG explainer.

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Tenga en cuenta que es probable que los registros de las jugadoras no estén completos para sus carreras. Las jugadoras pueden provenir o cambiarse a ligas que actualmente no cubrimos. Este problema disminuirá con el tiempo, a medida que agreguemos nuevas ligas y temporadas. Nunca en el futuro tendremos menos datos que los que tenemos hoy.

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